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14 � <br /> � <br /> i.��TIi1G April 20, 1936 � <br /> � <br /> �e�ular r,leetin� oi' t�ie �3oard or Fublic Safety l,�as held on � <br /> T:�Tonday, npril N0, 19�6, at 8:45 x. �tii. nll �.erzbers �°lere ?resent. <br /> i�,iinutes of arevious _aeetino y�ere read ancl approved. <br /> Reciuisitions izi trie police de-partrnent numb�rs 09058 �0 09005 <br /> and in tne i ire department nu?ibers 03358 to 03564 yrere a��roveci. <br /> Claims , fro7� the �'ollotiYing su.�pliers , in tlie amount oi' �91.99 vrere <br /> ap�roved and ordered paid. <br /> Recreation Equiprient Co. �3.00 h. G. i�ieier � Co. ��54.90 <br /> General Tire Co. , Ine . 2.49 Dan R. Lontz Coal Co. 11.00 <br /> General Tire Co. , Inc. .50 The ruller 3rush Co. 4. 65 <br /> Hibberd printing Co. 2.50 Simon Brothers , Inc. �.75 <br /> Central Llectric Co. 7.20 I�lo. Inu. rublic Service Co. 1.00 <br /> rIRE DEPkRTP��NT - Chiei rreeh present: <br /> The Chief iri�'ormed the �oard tnat ii; ti�as possible to secure <br /> f'ro�i the Studebaxer Corporation six lockers at a price o�' fifty cents <br /> eaCtl and he ti�as autnorized to purchase tiiein for use in tne rire Depart- <br /> :nent. <br /> EL�C'I'RICkL DEP�'�TTt�NT - i�.�r. �,ualls present: <br /> T.Iatters ?�ertaining to this department tilere discussed. <br /> I:�r. John Bucz��ovislii z��as present and requestea the Boarci to <br /> install overi�ead trazfic si�;nal at '�destern �venue and Olive Street <br /> and, �iter considerable aiscussion regarding the matter, the 3oard <br /> took it under adviser,ient xor future consideration. <br /> POZIC� DyP.�RTT�i I�T - Chief Lane present: <br /> In tlle mat�er oi' coi-,i?�laint maue by Oliver E. Fries against <br /> �;J. E. Chrobot , city �olice::�ian, in v�hich Yie clair:�ed tne latter ti�yas <br /> unaer the in�luence of into�icunts ti�hen he served a suopoena on <br /> :��ir. �ries at 6: 30 n. i;:. on the mornin; of' t:pril 16th to appear in <br /> the �ity Court in a c�.se involving Reuben Lin�nan, the 3oard, in a <br /> puY�lic hearin�, h°ard tl�e evidence o�' T��r. Fries and the dei ense of <br /> Ofiicer Chrobot , the latter clainling that he vaas not intoxicated <br /> and had not been arinkin5 on duty. zfter considering the evidence <br /> as preser_ted by these tti��o �entlemen, the Board determined to call in <br /> a nuiuber of otiier r�olice ofr'icers ti;ho had seen �nd tal�:ed to Of1'icer <br /> Chrobot at or about the �ti�se referred to - tnis evidence to be <br /> y�resentea at a r�eetin� on Tuesday, �pril 21st at 8 x. i�v=l. The Chief <br /> oi Police ti��as instructeci to bring such of'I'icers to the �oard at that <br /> time. <br /> The Piayor •�+as nreser�t and tne matter of gambling macnines ti+as <br /> discussed fully. It vaas decided, and the Chiez was �iven instructions , <br /> to bring in all slot macrlines , pin boara �nae�iin�s or rucino rciachines <br /> or� r;hich there is a pay-off. The Chief' yyas instructed to act <br /> i�'�2°diately on tliis r�iatter. <br /> Carlos tiiooa of 728 T1or�n Francis Street requested tile privilege <br /> of establishin� a colored taxi stand on Chat�in �treet bett,reen Division <br /> and i,ionroe Streets. The Board autnorized this and rez'erred the <br /> r��tter to the Chief of �olice. <br /> �l'he rneeting adjourned at 11: 00 �.. 1tii• <br /> / <br /> .` <br /> Cha ir�nan <br /> ATi�ST: Clerk <br /> � <br />