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� � <br /> � <br /> �•ZEETING l�rch 23, 1936 � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> Re� meetin� of the Board of Public 5afety v�as held i�onday, <br /> It�rch 23, 1936, at 9: 00 �1. P;i. kll r�embers s��ere present. <br /> TvTinutes of previous meetin� v�ere read and approved. <br /> Requisitions o�' the rolice Department nu�bers 09008 to 09024 <br /> and in the r ire Department fro� nulnbers 3332 to 3337 t7ere approved. <br /> Claims in the amount of w33I..93, from the follo�in� suppliers, tiaere <br /> approved and orciered paid, also payroll of tne various departments <br /> in the. Board of Safety amountin� to �17 ,05�.86. <br /> Dan R. Lontz Coal Co. ��55.00 Radio Distributing Co. ;�1.75 <br /> Uan R. Lontz Coal Co. 27.50 Krause' s Sev�elry Store .75 <br /> Frederick Schafer & Son 4.45 rirause' s Je1relxy Store .75 <br /> The Goshen I•�Zfg. Co. 22.15 So. Bend �-Ray Laboratory 7.00 <br /> Harry :�. �lillette 112.50 Ohio Chemical �, 1���. Co. 11.70 <br /> Ep�aorth Hospital 5.00 �o. Bend �iholesale Drug 1.15 <br /> Peltz-I•�aufer Co. , Inc. 9.41 Electric Construction Co. 2.30 <br /> J. I. Holco.nb l,�ig. Co. 32.95 Samuel Spiro & Co. 6.00 <br /> �imon Brothers, Inc . 16.00 Raily�ay Lxpxess A�ency 1.57 <br /> Duley Printing Co. 14.00 <br /> FIRE DEPkRTi��'NT - Chief Freeh present: <br /> T��:atters pertaining to the operation of the r ire Departr�ent ti�ere <br /> discussed t��ith the Chief and he zlas authorized to purchase for Hose <br /> house ;�6 tvao sprin�s nn� mattresses for the sleeping quarters. This <br /> to cost approximately �;��4,00 on ti�rhich the Chief has already received <br /> quotations. <br /> EL�CTRICIsL DEP.f�R'li��NT - T:�ir. �;ualls nresent: . <br /> I�:atters pertainin� to the operation of the Electrical Departrnent <br /> i�aere discussed c�ith the superintendent and I�lr. �ualls reportect that <br /> the installation of traff ic li�ht at 30th Street and T�;ishat-�aka �venu� <br /> � is practically complete and ��ill be in operation in a fe�; days. _ <br /> POZICE DEPARTl'.�NT - Chief' Lane present: <br /> The Chief reported on the �orogress made by the officers on <br /> proba'tion, namely; Richard J. Gillen and I::urray C. Tho�as and stated <br /> that their conduct t�ras satisfactory and they were making �ood pro�ress. <br /> The Chief sub�itted a report of' Officer Peter RudynsYi of the <br /> pro�ress made in giving police officers shootin� instructions and <br /> which report 1�as very satisfactory and is on iile in the office of the <br /> Board of Public �afety. A copy of this report 4+as furnished to each <br /> me:nber ox the �oard. <br /> The Chief reported a su�;Lestion made by Circuit Court Jud�,e �an <br /> Pyle in reference to police officers i��ho are detailed �t ni�nt for <br /> police duty and r�ho are reouired to appear in Court throu�;h the day to <br /> testify in vdrious cases that the jury' s sleepin� quarters in thz <br /> Court house were available to such officers s�hen conaitions reo�uire <br /> them to appear in Court. , <br /> 1he Chief ana the Secretary ti�ere instructed to investipa�te and <br /> �nalze necessary arrar_ge�nents for the occupation of tliis roor� on sucn <br /> occasions. <br /> �1 communication yras received iroln I:ir. Peter Eckrich �: Sons , 116 <br /> Last Tutt �treet, requestin� that the curb at their place of Uusiness <br /> be painted orange. Due to tize fact that tilere is no alloraance :uade in <br /> tne budUet �or laQOr but that the budoet does contemplate the purchase <br /> of paint , the Secretary iaas instructed to maYe;���ents v-�ith the <br /> Police i�enart�nent to have this concern do t:neir o��n nuintin�* uncier . <br /> su�ervision - the City to �'urnish i,he paint. <br /> Surety bond in i'avor oi �arl C. Hollis , special police officer, <br /> ti,as ap?�roved by the Board. <br /> xpplication for position on the Police Depart:?ient `�as received <br /> from -�dZ�+ard Ii. S�;lilley and ordered placea on 1'ile . <br />