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� � � <br /> � <br /> l�.�ETING PJlarch 16, 1936 � <br /> __ _ �� <br /> f <br /> Regular meeting of the Board of Public Safety c�as held on Tv�onday, <br /> T:Zarch 16, 1936, at 8:45 A. P�2. �ill• members ti�ere present. <br /> It.2inutes of previous meeting �rere read and approved. <br /> Req_uisitions, in the Police Department nurabers 08924 and 08925, also <br /> 09001� to 09007 �vere approved, in the �Fire Department numbers 03323, to <br /> 03331. Clairns in the amount of :�936.72, from the follo��iing suppliers, <br /> �vere allor;ed and payroll in the �lectrical Department :�23.52. <br /> The Office Engineers , Inc. :�4.60 Indiana Luznber Ec Mf'g. Co. tip .81 <br /> The Office Lngineers; Ine. 15.40 Dan R. Lontz Coal Co. 22.00 <br /> The Office Engineers , Inc. 4.25 Dan R. Lontz Coal Co. 33.00 <br /> City �dater V�'orks � 457.59 Schuyler Rose 65.00 <br /> Recreation Equip. Co. 8.70 Jack Taylor' s 16.48 � <br /> Slick Idea1 Laundries 4.40 �o. Ind. Public Service Co. 1.00 <br /> Radio Distribu�ing Co: 1.20 R. �'J. Seaman 30.00 <br /> Cities Service Oil Co.' 266.72 �ity �Yater :�+orks �.�1 <br /> Koontz-ytiagner Llectric Co. 2.16 � <br /> FIRE D�PARTT,�NT - Chief Freeh present: � <br /> T:4atters pertaining to the Fire �epart�neni� �rere discussed and the <br /> Chiei ��ras authorized to purchase a nev� radiator for equipment in the <br /> Cen�rel Fire Station ��hich is beyond repair. <br /> � petition signed by twenty five residents in the vicinity of <br /> 35th Street just south of Jeff erson i3oulevard, requesting a f ire alarm <br /> box in Belmont �.ddition, ��as presented to the Board, but due to <br /> inadequacy of the bud�et f or this purpose the petition �aas ordered <br /> placed on file. <br /> �pplication for position as fireman �ras received zrom �dv�ard T�2. <br /> Szlamfucht ti��hich r�as ordered placed on file. <br /> POLICE DEP�'�RTPvTENT - Chief Lane present: <br /> The iv�ayor �aas present and brought to the attention of the Board <br /> and the Chief of Police the prevalence of gambling machines in Cafes, <br /> Drub Stores and other places and requested that these machines be <br /> curbed to comply ��ith the lativ. During the discussion, it ilas brought <br /> out that the Police Department h�d notified the o��ner o�' the T���ichiana <br /> Cafe to remove several pin maehines but that he had refused to do so <br /> ��hereupon instructions ti�ere given to bring the machines in at once. <br /> At the s�ne time police �rere instructed to bring in a racin� machine <br /> from the S�reeney I,unch Room ti�hich ti�aas done during the meeting of the <br /> Board. Upon examination police ��ere instructed to arrest the owners- <br /> and operators of these machines , namely; L. r,. Line , Edvrard S. Boxi}�ell, <br /> Lee R. S��eeney and proprietor of the T��Tichiana Cafe. The Chief �ave <br /> instructions to the Police Denartment to proceed at once and bring <br /> these parties into the City Court. <br /> The Chief brou�ht up the matter of uniforms f or the department and <br /> stated that there vaere three firi;ls eligible to furnish these unif'orms. <br /> He :�1as instructed in cooperation tiaith the Secretary to secure samynles <br /> from the various firms and their prices and to present them to the <br /> Board. <br /> Off'icers Steve I,-Zolnar and Pat Burns a�opeared before the Board v�rith <br /> reference to Police Field Day for this sur.�.mer and after some ciiscussion <br /> they vaere instructed to rnake u� their nlans for advertisin� and the <br /> publication of their Field Day pro�r�m, also the various events they <br /> vrill have on their program and submit plan to the Board for t�ieir <br /> apnroval. <br /> The City ��ttorney brought up the znatter of special police com- <br /> mission for Ernest Schleuder ��hicu has been in eff'ect for a number of <br /> years and to substantiate �rhich the Secretary has asked i;2r. Schleuder <br /> for a surety bond. This matter ti^ras discussed and the Board referred <br /> it to the City Attorney to consult vaith the :;�ayor and to bring in a <br /> report at the next meeting. <br /> S�ecial police commission in f avor of �dilliar.� T. Beck tivas <br /> approved by the Board. <br />