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. ��1 <br /> � 1;iEETING - i�riAY 8, 1944 <br /> � r e�ular �ie e t ing'of the��o ard of Fubli c Saf e u� ti°ras ne ld on =,Tonday, <br /> T"a� 8, 1944 at 10:00 i�.;:i. P.�r. -.'lilli�-:is rras absent. T.Tinutes of the l�st <br /> meeting ti�vere read and approved. Claims of the follo�rin� suppliers in the <br /> �xnount of��476.71 ti�ere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Chas. Armstrong �� 2.55 Intexstate Glass w" Paint Co . yY 9:10 <br /> Sam Berman 97.24 Ne.^r �orl: Central R.R. Co. � 1:01 <br /> Sa�l Berman 82:75 Rail�^ray Express �Agency 1.03 <br /> �3usiness Sys�ems 16;20. Schilling�s Inc. � 5:�-4 <br /> Busine ss Systems 3:09 South Bend X-t�a�r La��. 10.00 <br /> The Gib son Coi:�.pany 14.70 Soutli Side �:uto Repair 3. 50 <br /> Gill �uto Service 1:47. J: E: 'Nalz Garage 12:50 <br /> , Harley-Lavidson Sale�� 37:15 J. E. '�Jalz Gara�e - 90:00 <br /> Ind. � �,Iich. Elec. Co. 50.82 Ind. �; P:iich. Elec. Co . 38.16 <br /> PQLICE DEPAR'�1TE�1T: Chief �'verett was Present and r.iatters pertainin� to his <br /> de?�artment ���ere discussed. <br /> PTRE DEPA�t'�.ET,T: Chief DeVleeschot.ver vras present and matters pertainin� <br /> to his department tiJere discus�ed. <br /> '�JEIGHTS & �,��,ASU��S: ?,'Ir. Cliarles Uurns, Cit� Sealer, presented �zis report <br /> i or the vT e e�� endin� ?'�7a� 6, 1944. <br /> ELEC'I'RIC:"�L DEP�"Ll i�:T: i:qr. ;�iilli�� �ualls, Superintendent, tras present and <br /> matter� pertainin� to his depar�ent ��rere �iscussed. <br /> T::r. �ualls inior::�ed the Board thkt street li�;hts at Lon�;1e� and EJ�?:er, <br /> Prast and Goodland, Fredericr�.sor. �d Goodland and 716 '�dest `�la�ne Street <br /> had been ins}alled ancl :�re_e norr in service. <br /> There bein� no �urt�ier business to co�::e before the �o�rd, the meetin� <br /> tiras .ad journed at i1 :00 a.I«. • <br /> ATTEST: . <br /> � c,� air���an <br /> Clerk <br /> i;�r^1Iii s - �,.:��' 15, 1944 . <br /> � re�L?1^T' :':1°etin� Of' �i,f12 �02.T'u Oi �L1J�1C a�f'Bi,�T '::«s neld Ori i�021C��1.�r� <br /> iTay 15, 1944 at l0 :00 :�.:,:, nll -:,e_,<�ers •;:ei e �r:;sent . :::inu te s of t_�e last <br /> r.meetin� ���e_e read and ap��roT,r�d. S�.i�r�- cl�iris in the ��ount oi `,�25,985.�3 <br /> -.rere ap�roved <<nu orc�erecl �aid. Clai.~ns ol ��ze iollo�.rin� su:,pliers ��n the <br /> �raount of ;�4c5.�J8 zrere aprroved �ncz orc�ered pai�: <br /> lL�erican-La�rance-no��ite Corp.�� '76.12 Iieeshin i:otor E1��ress co. �� 2.29 <br /> �urti:e f s :.�otion i ictiure Co . 1:00 lhe Linae :iir Yroducts Co . �:67 <br /> Ells;-;orth �. 3utz 10:25 .,illi�:l r. i.T�ers 20.91 <br /> City :later ';Jdr�s 160.00 Ofiice Su��l� �� Equi�. .�0 <br /> Cit� ':�ate~� ':�orl.� 3.95 Gii ice Sup��l� w �:cuip. �.15 <br /> Cnas. DeVleeschoz7er 23.00 Radio Disti�i�utin� Co . 6.60 <br /> Llectro-'�oice =�lf�. Co . a.BO ���dio DiQ�ribu�in� Co . 32. 70 <br /> �Iarr�T T. �verett 12.50 :�ecreation Jc±uip: :;o . 10.00 <br /> Gerber =�:f;. ��o . 17.80 Recre�tion Equip: Co. 3.00 <br /> V. E. :iar�non, i,i.�. 3.90 17r. r. G. �l�illern 10.00 <br /> V. E; �Iar?�on, :�..J. 9 .00 The Soutn 3end Suppl;� Co . 8.88 <br /> V. �J. �iarmon, ?:.D. 3.00 The South �end Suppl;T Co . 12.13 <br /> Hurtirich Iron Co . 3.50 �.+est°rn Union Tele�raph 4.34 <br /> PC:LICE DLP:�?1_�.�Li:1: Chief �verett ��as present and �atters vert�inin� to his <br /> depart_?:ent �.��ere di�cussed. <br /> Chief Everett presented his reF.ort ior tile .�:onth oi rpril, 1944. <br /> A rene�•ral certificate for a ao�d for 5pecial rolice::�an i erdinand <br /> i�allies �aas ap�roved and ordereci filed. <br />