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�, 2�� <br /> April 10, 19�-4 � <br /> • A re�u]_ar :�1eet°~�:� of the �oard o� Public '.'lorl:s and Safet� z^ras helc�. on <br /> ?Tend^,;r� I�nril 10, 1944 at 10 :00 �°i.T�:i,• I;Ir. Lev�,� �r1as absent . T:?inutes of t��e <br /> last �neetinm vrere read ar.d approved. Clair�s of t'.ze io1lo�Ting sunpliers in <br /> the �s,1oL�nt ot �;756.27 ��Tere wpproved an�� ordered paid: <br /> Bearin_ s ServicA Co . `; 1.05 Ind. �� i;Tich. �lec. ro . `� 54.�6 <br /> Sam �errlan - - 8�.55 Police Ec?ulpm°nt Su?�nl�r 62.?0 <br /> Bur��es i��otion Pictur° Co . - �5.25 Raclio Distributinm �o . 2 .34 <br /> rentr�l Scienfiific Co . 2 .�-2 R:�ilT,��^�.* Exnress C�. 1.75 <br /> r3_tTr ','fater �Tor�:s 7.'74 ihe i�id�;e Co . 3.10 <br /> Continer_�al �`il Co . 237.33 kiver Par�� Lv?�ber Co . 3.9� <br /> �v'!. S. Dar1e�T �o . �.00 Scherr.lan-Schaus-Freeman Co. .70 <br /> Ed��a_rds Iron `;forks �.62 The South Bend Svp�l�,r Co . .70 <br /> En.°Tdrth Hos�it�-1 5�.'�0 V. �c. R. rloor Goverin� 65.05 <br /> fiarl.e�r-�av�d_�on S�les Co . 18.23 Geor�e :1��man �o . • 57 .06 <br /> J. I.� Ilolco�b Co. �5.?0 � V <br /> FGLICE D^P.'�i.I�i���i': Chief Everet� v�as present and matters nertain�_n� to his <br /> depar�,nent -,-�rere discussed. - <br /> �pecial Police Co��issions were ap��roved ior F1o�Tce Fteplo�le and <br /> Edt�lard Lue�;ers . ihese tivere ordered filed. <br /> FIR�' DEP�'�R`I`''?�'?dT: Ch�af DeVleeschozaer �vas present and raatters pertainin� to <br /> his ciepart�ent �Jrere discus�ed. <br /> ','T�IGHTS A��;D ',TEASU1iFS: P��r. �harles �urns, Citv- Sealer, filed 1�is repo-rt for <br /> the •,�ree?� endir.� Eipril 8, 1944. <br /> ,;?r. Burns tivas ���:.�orized te �ttend the 31st Annual Convent�.�n o_f tne <br /> Irdi_�na Association of Inspectors oi '�1ei�hts and L:easures at Gar��, Indiana, <br /> on April 17, 1�3 and 19 . <br /> FL�CTRICAL D�P1��i,Li�iT: ��rr. �Jillia?� Qualls, Superintendent, t-r�:s nresent a.nd <br /> ��at�ers x�ertain-1n; t o h�s ae-�arti�ent -,-rere discus�ed. <br /> The �oard a::�roveci tne i�stallation oi a street limht at the intersection <br /> of 30t?� Street ard Jefferson Boulevard, ir_ request to a netition rece�ved <br /> fro?-± the 3us ine s e and ProfA JSZO��1 �'en � s Club of R�ver Park. T�?r� C��ualls <br /> . �rras directed to annly to the ':lar Production 3o�.rc:u ior permission to install <br /> this li�n� . ' • <br /> The 3oaru �n�rov�d the e�p1oJ�ent of �Ienr�T Robaen, Jr. , as a Fire <br /> Alar� C?�er?tor b�r the Alarm Station, on a teranorarzr basis. <br /> ..., � <br /> There bei�� no further business to cor�e before the �oard, the meetin�; <br /> vrus ad�ourned 2t 11 :30 �.i'.. <br /> b`^1^1ES'I': Q <br /> Chair!-aan <br /> �.-tto _ <br /> i <br /> � Clerk <br /> :�`L�TI,TG - �?PRIL l7, 1944 <br /> h reMular �eetinv of the Bc,ard of Public Saiet�r :��a; hela on I.Ionda�r, <br /> anril 17, 194� at 9 :00 A._�:. �11 :�e�bers -:•�ere nresent, I:inutes of the� . <br /> l�s� r�eetin` ��rere read and a�nroved. S�lar�7 cl���s in the ar:lount of <br /> ���2�, �12.55 �:rere �n�roved and ordered �aid. Cl�i�s oi the iolloti�rin; <br /> su�?�liers in tne a��opnt ol :�,�868.90 :rere an�roved and erdered paid: <br /> Americ�n Larrance Foarlite �> 28.�-9 G. E. i,:e�rer �� Son f� 10.60 <br /> Business S�Tst� s 8.5E �:o-r. Inr3. Fub. Ser. Co . 1.00 <br /> Citv ;Jater� .forl�s Q.?_7 �aciio Dist. �o . 43. 17 <br /> Cit s ':7ater -:dor•ks 189 ..75 Y,ecr°ation Enliinment Co. 30.00 <br /> Cit�- ':uater ':forks 1�0.�J0 Stanley �. i-teese 60.82 <br /> Cit� ':later :iorks 5.16 �e_� Bassett Inc. 20,00 <br /> ��vies Lau?`�drv �� �leaninr� 8.55 :�att�e Saville 1.00 <br /> F�tYOrt'_2 �ospital 71.0� �ad Saville .50 <br /> Electro-Voice �:Izt�. Co . 1.75 Schillir.� � s Inc. 19 .90 <br /> uarrJ `I'. Everett 4.00 SChillin� � s Inc. 11.2�- <br /> VW E. Harr.�on 19.00 Sirci7ie Fin �-er Print L�b. 43.25 <br /> V. E. Harmon 3.Q0 South Bend Glass :�orl�s 3.98 <br /> V. E. Harraon 2'7.00 Sou�h t�end ��ppl� Co . 1.85 <br />