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265 <br /> Upon receipt of letters from PtIr. Burns, ne �.vas advised to instruct <br /> the operators of the cit� scale in the proper method of operation and <br /> to proceed ir;i.�:nediately tivith the repairs tc the scale if the cost is t^rithin <br /> the unex�ended appropriation f'or repairs to equipment. <br /> ELECTF.ICAL DEPARTi,.El�T: r,ir. '�`lilliam Qualls, Superintendent, vJas present <br /> and matters pertainin� to his department were discussed. <br /> There being no further business to come before the �soard, the meeting <br /> �Jas ad journed at 12 :00 I��I. <br /> ATT�'�T: . <br /> Chairrla <br /> Clerk ��%L � �'�/ <br /> _ I.T�'ETIIJG - i�OV�:'B�R 29, 1943 <br /> A regular_ meering 'of the Board of P_ublic Safet;� ti�ra� held on P.Ionda�T, <br /> �To Jeraber 2�3, 1943 at 10:Q0 :_^.i:`. All r.:e::lbers ����re preser_t e�:ceptinb iTr. <br /> I,on�,field. I,.inutes of the l�st ,�.eetin� ��rere read �.nd ��?rroved. Salary <br /> c1�.ims in the a,~�ount of ti 24,294.62 �,=rere �pproved and ordered paid. Cl�il:�s <br /> of t.�!e follo�.�Tin,� suJpliers in the 2s�ou.nt <br /> Bus�ness S�-stems � 56.a2 T.:cCl�v� Frir.ting Co . N 48.00 <br /> Business S�stems 11.91 F.iver Par�� Lt;,;lter Co . 5-.0� <br /> Gibson Co::ip�:.� 2.a1 Scher�0.n-Scnaus-�'reeman .�� <br /> Ka?lor�uclr.ian Co . 1.20 Stevens Cil Co . 60.7E <br /> J. G.. L�auber Co . . 139 .30 i';eisberger �ros. .66 <br /> B. J. :,TcCa�ferTT )St�.�ps ) lO.00 ":le��berber Bros. 32.25 <br /> Ernest i�elson �Truns. ) 20.00 ','.estern Union iel. �o . 3.�?0 <br /> PCT��Cr DEPl�RT:,_Ei:T: Robert -�7att, �. rner.;ber oi. tre South �end Police De�art- <br /> �::ent, ravinb rec°ived �n honorable discnar�e �'ro.:: the United States ��rr:1y, <br /> ar_d havir_� presentec h':iself to th� �.:a;;or and to �he Bo �rd of �u�lic �:ior�s <br /> _ a�d Safety, asl�in� reassi`n:�l�nt to dut;, is ordersd to re�ort for nctive <br /> dut;� on i;o�.e�nber 27, 19�-3. This acticn ,�as t�l�en earlier b;- the Board <br /> a_ncl is norr confirr::ed and r�tified. <br /> Fredericl. :'iller ha�ri:��; receiyed an ��or�o�able discharoe frcm the tinited <br /> State� l�c�,.VJT� �.n�; �^vin� rresented hi::�self to the :�a;�or an� to the Board of <br /> P�,blic ";io_���s Gnd Safet�, a_s1Tr.� reassidn:�ent to active duty ��ras ordered to <br /> rero�t �'or dut�r on Tyo�e�:�ber 4J, 19�'3. <br /> �'I::y D�P.RT:,'E�?T: Chief DeVleescho•,•rer r:�i_s present and �.atters per�aining to <br /> nis departraent ,rere discussed. , <br /> The Board authorized ;'�illia� Do-:rnes, Fire Inspector, to attend an <br /> �rson School in Chica�o, , cn Dece::zber 1, 19�3. <br /> Alev Ar.dresze��:ski, Cit�- rireman, •;,as authorized to attend a Fire <br /> Speciali zed Trainin� Sc�ool at �urdue Univ�rs�ty on Dece�ber lst and 2nd. ` <br /> '���IGfirS �, i..EASIJR�H: ;:r. �harles �urns, Cit�, Sealer, rresented his report <br /> for the rreel� endir_g i;o�T°::lb�r 27, 19�3. <br /> ELECTRICAL DEDfiRTi;_E=�T: P,?r. `;�ill��.;: �;u�lls, �vnerin�endent, ,�as present and <br /> rlatters pertainin� to his departr:!ent ,:�ere discussed. <br /> � p���tion ,;as rece�t��ed as?:in�, thut � street li�;:�t be installed at the <br /> intersection of l��orth Colle`� and Oran�� Streets . Th�s �.ras reierred to <br /> i,:r.' C`�;ualls for inve sti�at�o� �.rd re�o�t . <br /> A��E�ition -�ras r�ceivec?� asl�in� �'r_at a stre�t li�ht be installed at <br /> the i:�tersection or T�ort'� i.:a'r_ Str��t and �ennings �:venue. This also zlas <br /> referr�d to :�=r. �;ualls lor in�.�ssti�ation and report. <br />