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263 <br /> i.:EETIT�G - i,4V�,.B�'R 15, 1943 <br /> A regular meetint of the Board of Fu�lic �Jor�is ti�ras held an T�Ionda;�, <br /> Z�Tovernber 15, 1943 at 10:00 A.i�i. �111 me:7bers zrere present. I�,?inute� of <br /> the last meeting ��rere read and arproved. �alary clainis in the arilount <br /> . of N24,182.04 �vere approved and ordered paid. Claims of tne follotirin� <br /> suppliers in the arnount of �333.70 ti^rere approved and ordered paid; <br /> City Hard��r�re �. Paint �� 1.50 i.icCaffery Co . 4� 3.36 <br /> Cit�r '�^Jater -,"�torks 129 .40 G. �,. P:�e;;er & Son 7.30 <br /> Cit�T 7later '�'dorks 3.32 G ��3rien Varnish Co. 3g .g2 <br /> Charles DeVleescho�,�rer 14.�3 GxSTOen ��quipment Co . 3.�2 <br /> Harr� T. Everett 23.00� Schilling� s Inc. � 4,27 <br /> Elnora. P. Hart�an 20.00 South Bend Dovrel :lorks 3.00 <br /> Journal of G`ri�inal Law 3.50 South Bend �'lectric Co . 1.36 <br /> The l;TCCaffery �o . 3.18 South Bend Supply Co. 9.73 <br /> ihe �:cC�.ffery Co . 7.70 S�uth Bend Suppl� Co . 16.01 <br /> The :,ZcCaffer�� Co. 4.�4 South Bend Tool �c Die Co. 10.00 <br /> The ��FcCaffery Co. 2.41 George ��J;nnan Co. , 21.].5 <br /> FC�LICE DEPAp�T�i�I�TT: Chief �y'verett tira� rresent Gnd r�.atters pertainin� to <br /> his department ��rere discussed. <br /> Renet•ral certificates for the fo11o�1ino Speci�.l Pcliceman emplo�red <br /> b; the �3outh �end Lathe ���or��s :�rere approved and crdered filed: <br /> �nos B. Kello�-r Charles C. Gord� <br /> Bert Q7..r.�stead Steve P. Koll�r <br /> �ranl� Turne� V�nce R. :Tattheti•rs <br /> Lester H. Shindledec��er Franri :'i. Phillips <br /> Earl ?,ioore Au�ust DeVos <br /> ��illiar.i J. i.:c..iahon . .52� i�enr;; �:iiller <br /> Ben �. Cr�ppin Joseph Landman <br /> A Spec�al Police �ond :;as Glso approved for �lbert G. Risk and <br /> ;�ras ordered filed; <br /> .FIRE D�'PARTi::I,T: . Chief DeVleescho-:rer .•�as rre�ent �.nd �atters pert�.ininb <br /> ,to his depar�:ent �°rere discussed. <br /> . The Fire Chiel inf'ormed the Eoµrd t;a� he z�r�s in need of an Air <br /> ,compressor,. and the Board authorized .hir:i to :�ake in�uiries concerning <br /> , .one . . . <br /> �;EIGH�'S R� :T�I�SiT.�ES: ,..r. Charlss Burns, City Sealer, presented his �report <br /> ,for the �:ree�� ending i�ove�:ber I3, 194a. <br /> �Z�ECTRICAL D���iRl;iEilT: :�r. �'fillia.� �,ualls, Superintendent, ivas present <br /> and m.2tters pertainino to his departrnent ,�ere discussed. <br /> There being no further business to coi:�e bef�ore the Board, the <br /> meeting :ras ad journed �t 11 :45 A.r,'. <br /> A TT�ST: <br /> � /v Chairr.ian <br /> (l .IJ�G � , <br /> ler _ <br /> y�,'�""`� <br /> l <br />