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N <br />3. The Lease is amended to include the following as <br />Exhibit C: <br />Exhibit D: <br />EXHIBIT C <br />TOTAL YEARLY RENTAL AMOUNT SCHEDULE <br />FOR THE STADIUM FACILITY LEASE <br />Year Amount <br />1992 <br />$929,200 <br />1993 <br />934,200 <br />1994 <br />932,200 <br />1995 <br />929,400 <br />1996 <br />925,200 <br />1997 <br />462,700 <br />4. The Lease is amended to include the following as <br />EXHIBIT D <br />LEASE PAYMENT SCHEDULE FOR <br />STADIUM FACILITY LEASE <br />Payment Date <br />Amount <br />02 -28 -92 <br />$464,600 <br />08 -28 -92 <br />464,600 <br />02 -28 -93 <br />467,100 <br />08 -28 -93 <br />467,100 <br />02 -28 -94 <br />466,100 <br />_..._ 08 -28 -94 <br />466,100 <br />02 -28 -95 <br />464,700 <br />08 -28 -95 <br />464,700 <br />02 -28 -96 <br />462,600 <br />08 -28 -96 <br />462,600 <br />02 -28 -97 <br />462,700 <br />5. The parties hereto acknowledge that all remaining <br />terms, covenants and conditions as set forth in the lease between <br />the parties hereto and executed as of the first day of June, 1988 <br />shall remain in full force and effect. <br />6. This Addendum shall take effect as of the date (the <br />"Deposit Date ") when the Authority deposits or causes to be <br />deposited proceeds derived from the sale of its South Bend <br />Redevelopment Authority Taxable Lease Rental Revenue Bonds <br />(Coveleski Stadium Refunding) into an escrow fund established <br />-2- <br />