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the transformation of most of the original pool to a contemplative garden. This alteration <br /> is in keeping with the highly significant history of the building as a symbol of the <br /> transition from a segregated public space to an integrated facility due to the efforts of <br /> local civil rights champions. <br /> The Commission conducted a public hearing on July 16, 2018, for the purposes of <br /> hearing comments on the designation of the Property as a Historic Landmark and for <br /> delivering a recommendation to the Common Council. Following the public hearing, the <br /> Commission gave its favorable recommendation to the Common Council of the City of South <br /> Bend to designate the Property as a Historic Landmark pursuant to Ordinance No. 5565-73, <br /> as amended. <br /> Based on the HPC's Local Landmarks Criteria as adopted by the Common Council, <br /> and based upon the Commission's Resolution and recommendation, the site at 1040 <br /> West Washington Street, South Bend, Indiana, should be designated as Local Historic <br /> Landmark. <br /> NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br /> THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND,INDIANA,AS FOLLOWS: <br /> Section 1. The building now known as the Civil Rights Heritage Center and <br /> formerly as the Engman Natatorium, located at 1040 West Washington Street, <br /> South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, together with its surrounding grounds and <br /> structures including the original pool now used as a reflecting garden,but excluding <br /> the parking lot, is hereby designated and established as a Historic Landmark of the <br /> City of South Bend, Indiana pursuant to Ordinance No. 5565-73, as amended, <br /> which realty excluding parking lot is described more specifically as follows: <br /> Part of Bank Out Lot Numbered Eighty-nine (89) of the Second <br /> Plat of Out Lots of the Town, now City of South Bend, in St. Joseph <br /> County, Indiana,platted by the State of Indiana, described as beginning at <br /> the Northwest corner of said Lot Numbered Eighty-nine (89);thence East <br /> 1 chain 82 4/5 links;thence South 144.54 feet to the North line of an alley; <br /> thence West on the North line of said alley 1 chain 82 4/5 links to the West <br /> line of said Lot Numbered Eighty-nine (89); thence North 144.54 to the <br /> place of beginning. <br /> EXCEPTING THEREFROM the easterly 40' therefrom. <br /> Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect i by the Common <br /> Council, signature by the Mayor, and any publi tion re!!on <br /> by w. <br /> Tim Scott, o res t <br /> South Bend Common Council <br /> Attest: <br /> Kare ah N. Fowler, dity Clerk <br /> Office of the City Clerk <br /> Presented by me,the undersigned Clerk of the City of South Bend,to the Mayor of the City <br /> of South Bend, Indiana on the 1 day of , 2018, at `f o'clock <br /> . <br /> in <br /> K eemah N. Fowler, City C erk <br /> Office of the City Clerk <br /> Approved and signed by me on the day of S f- ,2018,at IL o'clock <br /> m. <br /> I st READING 7NO//b <br /> PUBLIC HEARING en I3/18 <br /> 9 id READING 'l 3/I <br /> NOT APPROVED VVV Pete Buttigieg, yo <br /> REFERRED City of So Bend, Tana <br /> PASSED ] <br />