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RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT <br />COMMISSION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1054, <br />AND AMENDING THE RESOLUTIONS UNDER WHICH <br />TAX INCREMENT BONDS ARE OUTSTANDING <br />WHEREAS, this Commission has adopted various resolutions <br />declaring certain real estate in the South Bend Redevelopment <br />District, known as the "South Bend Central Allocation Area (South <br />Bend Allocation Area No. 1A)" as more particularly described on <br />Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Area ") to <br />be an allocation area within the meaning of IC 36 -7 -14 (the "Act "); <br />and <br />WHEREAS, in Resolution No. 1054, this Commission has <br />deemed it advisable to issue bonds of the Redevelopment District, <br />in accord with the provisions of the Act and IC 5 -1 -5, and <br />appropriated the proceeds thereof, for the purpose of procuring <br />funds to refinance certain maturities of the bonds heretofore <br />issued and designated as "City of South Bend Redevelopment District <br />Tax Increment Revenue Bonds of 1985" (the 111985 Bonds ") and "City <br />of South Bend Redevelopment District Tax Increment Revenue Bonds of <br />1986" (the 111986 Bonds ") all as more fully described on Exhibit B <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein (the 1985 Bonds and 1986 <br />Bonds to be refunded are together referred to as the "Refunded <br />Bonds ") , together with all expenses necessarily incurred in <br />connection with the foregoing; and <br />WHEREAS, IC 5 -1 -5 authorizes the advance refunding of the <br />Refunded Bonds prior to the time such Refunded Bonds are subject to <br />redemption, in order to effect a savings or modify such restrictive <br />covenants as may impede additional financing, by providing for <br />