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-12- <br />The appropriate officers shall also publish such notices <br />and do such other acts and things as are required by law to issue <br />and sell the Bonds. <br />The appropriate officers of the Department and the City <br />are further authorized to take such action, including the approval <br />and execution of the Escrow Agreement and other documents, to carry <br />out the refunding of the Refunded Bonds, and the underwriter for <br />the bonds also is hereby authorized to make subscription as may be <br />necessary to acquire appropriate securities to be held under the <br />Escrow Agreement. <br />Section 4. Flow of Funds. There shall be continued, <br />and the City Controller, the Commission and the Department covenant <br />and agree to cause to be kept and maintained, those accounts in the <br />Allocation Fund contained in the Prior Resolution which authorized <br />the 198,5 Bonds, those accounts being the Tax Increment Revenue <br />Account, the Bond Principal and Interest Account, the Reserve <br />Account and the General Account. On each January 15, all monies in <br />the Tax Increment Revenue Account shall be set aside in the <br />respective special accounts within the Allocation Fund, in the <br />following order of priority: First, Bond Principal and Interest <br />Account, and second, Reserve Account. <br />All money available in each of the accounts in the <br />Allocation Fund shall be held in trust for the benefit of the <br />Bonds def ined in Section 7) <br />holders of the Bonds and any Parity (as <br />heretofore or hereafter issued (together, the "Tax Increment <br />Bonds") , and shall be applied, used and withdrawn only for the <br />-12- <br />