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........... ..... ....... . ...... <br /> REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2011 346 <br /> Unit Pricing D Add $26.00 /sf Deduct—_ ($16.00) /sf <br /> Unit Pricing E Add $5.00 /sf Deduct ($400.00) /sf <br /> Unit Pricing F Add $4.00 /sf <br /> Add $20.00 /sf <br /> Add $5.00 <br /> Ms. Greene noted that Ziolkowski Construction had crossed out some of their numbers on their <br /> bid and changed them. She noted also they did initial the changes. Mr. Inks stated he wanted to <br /> make note that one of the bids received is from a company owned by a Park Board member and <br /> they would need to check with the Council and Legal to see if there are any issues. Ms. Greene <br /> stated she would look at it and see who has controlling authority and bring back a legal opinion <br /> at the next Board meeting. Mr. Gilot noted the bids were all scaled and the bidders were required <br /> to sign Non-Collusion forms, so it shouldn't be a problem. Upon a motion made by Mr. Littrell, <br /> seconded by Mr. Inks and carried, the above bids were referred to the Park Department and their <br /> consultant for review and recommendation. <br /> AWARD BID AND APPROVE CONTRACT— DISINFECTION GATE AND MIXER <br /> REPLACEMENT—PROJECT NO. 111-030 (WASTEWATER CAPITAL AND O&M) <br /> Mr. Al Greek, Environmental Services, advised the Board that on October 10, 2011, bids were <br /> received and opened for the above referenced project. After reviewing those bids, Mr. Greek <br /> recommended that the Board award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder <br /> Thieneman Construction, Inc., 17241 Foundation Parkway, Suite 100, Westfield, Indiana 46074, <br /> in the amount of$433,000.00. Therefore, Mr. Inks made a motion that the recommendation be <br /> accepted and the bid be awarded and the Construction Contract approved as outlined above. Mr. <br /> Littrell seconded the motion, which carried. <br /> AWARD BID — TWO (2) 2011 OR NEWER MID-SIZE EXTENDED CAB FOUR WHEEL <br /> DRIVE PICK-UP TRUCKS (2011 FIRE CAPITAL) <br /> Mr. Jeffrey Hudak, Central Services, advised the Board that on October 10, 2011, bids were <br /> received and opened for the above referenced vehicles. After reviewing those bids, Mr. Hudak <br /> recommended that the Board award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder <br /> Gates Automotive, 636 West McKinley, Mishawaka, Indiana 46545, in the amount of <br /> $22,540.00 each for a total $45,080.00 for two. Therefore, Mr. Inks made a motion that the <br /> recommendation be accepted as outlined above. Mr. Littrell seconded the motion, which carried. <br /> APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 — EAST BANK STORM SEWER SEPARATION <br /> PHASE IB —PROJECT NO. 109-070B (2011 SEWER BOND) <br /> Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, Change Order No. 2 on behalf <br /> ,y, has submitted Cha <br /> of Selge Construction Co., Inc., 2833 South I Street, Niles, Michigan 49120, indicating the <br /> Contract amount be increased by $36,989.00 for a modified Contract sum, including this Change <br /> Order, in the amount of $2,041,806.72. Upon a motion made by Mr. Inks, seconded by Mr. <br /> Littrell and carried, the Change Order was approved. <br /> APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 — MAYFLOWER BOULEVARD CONSTRUCTION —PROJECT NO, 110-03 6 (A.EDA TIF) <br /> Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, has submitted Change Order No. 3 On behalf <br /> of C&E Excavating, Inc,, 53767 County Road 9, Elkhart, Indiana 46514, indicating the Contract <br /> amount be increased by $83,906.50 for a modified Contract sum, including this Change Order, in <br /> the amount of $2,584,948.71. Upon a motion made by Mr. Inks, seconded by Mr. Littrell and <br /> carried, the Change Order was approved. <br /> APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 (FINAL AND PROJECT COMPLETION AFFIDAVIT <br /> — DEMOLITION, ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION AND SITE RESTORATION OF <br /> THE FORMER AIR GAS PROPERTY—PROJECT NO. 111.-021 AEDAJIF) <br /> Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, has submitted Change Order No. I (Final) on <br /> behalf of C&E Excavating, Inc., 53767 County Road 9, Elkhart, Indiana 46514, indicating the <br /> contract amount be decreased by $11,241.66 for a modified contract sum, including this Change <br /> Order, of $94,218.34. Additionally submitted was the Project Completion Affidavit indicating <br /> this new final cost of$94,218.34. Upon a motion made by Mr. Inks, seconded by Mr. Littrell and <br /> carried, Change Order No. 1 (Final) and the Project Completion Affidavit were approved. <br />