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AGENDA REVIEW SESSION OCTOBER 20, 2011 340 <br /> RITSCHARD BROS., INC. <br /> 1204 West Sample Street <br /> South Bend, Indiana 46619 <br /> Contractor's Non-Collusion Affidavit, Non-Debarment Affidavit, Employment Eligibility <br /> Verification, Non-Discrimination Commitment for Contractors and Certification of Use <br /> of United States Steel Products or Foundry Products was Submitted <br /> Quotation was submitted by Mr. Donald Ritschard, Jr. <br /> QUOTATION: $169,880.00 <br /> C&E EXCAVATING INC. <br /> 53767 County Road 9 <br /> Elkhart, Indiana 46514 <br /> Contractor's Non-Collusion Affidavit,Non-Debarment Affidavit, Employment Eligibility <br /> Verification, Non-Discrimination Commitment for Contractors and Certification of Use <br /> of United States Steel Products or Foundry Products was Submitted <br /> Quotation was submitted by Mr. Ed Bessinger <br /> QUOTATION: $210,551.50 <br /> Upon a motion made by Mr. Littrell, seconded by Mr. Inks and carried, the above Quotations <br /> were referred to Engineering and Economic Development for review and recommendation. After <br /> reviewing those bids, Mr. Robert Nichols, Engineering, recommended that the Board award the <br /> contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder R&R Excavating, Inc., in the amount of <br /> $102,000.00. Mr. Nichols stated the quotes were above the quote threshold and he would have to <br /> have the Mayor's concurrence to award the quote. Mr. Gilot stated the Controller needed to <br /> approve raising the quote threshold also. He noted Mr. Zientara was present and asked for his <br /> approval. Mr. Gregg Zientara, Controller, gave his approval of extending the quote threshold <br /> beyond the $75,000.00 limit on this project. Therefore, Mr. Gilot made a motion that the quote <br /> be awarded and the Contract approved subject to the Mayor's approval. Mr. Inks seconded the <br /> motion, which carried. <br /> APPROVE TITLE SHEET— CSO 003 TRUNK SEWER MODIFICATIONS -- PROJECT NO. <br /> 111-007 (EDIT) <br /> Mr. Gilot advised that the Title Sheet for the above referenced project was being presented at this <br /> time for execution. Upon a motion made by Mr. Gilot, seconded by Mr. Littrell and carried, the <br /> above referenced Title Sheet was approved and signed. <br /> APPROVE LICENSE AND SERVICES AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZE CONTROLLER <br /> AND LEGAL----ASSET HEALTH,INC_(EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND <br /> Ms. Cheryl Greene, Legal, stated she needed to have this agreement with Asset Health, Inc., <br /> 2150 Butterfield Dr., Ste. 130, Troy, Michigan 48084, added to the agenda and asked for <br /> approval today. She stated she had just received the revised agreement in an amount, not to <br /> exceed, of $120,000, with the amended terms the City asked for. She asked that the Board <br /> approve the agreement, authorize the Controller to sign future documents related to this program, <br /> and authorize Legal to approve any changes. Therefore, Mr. Gilot made a motion to approve the <br /> agreement and authorize the Controller and Legal as outlined above. Mr. Inks seconded the <br /> motion, which carried. <br /> The Board discussed the following agenda items: <br /> - Safety Report <br /> Mr. Jeff Hudak, Central Services, presented his division's Safety Report for the month of <br /> September, 2011. Mr. Gilot stated he has been noticing that accidents are up this year in <br /> comparison to last year. fie suggested Central Services staff work with Robert Yeary, <br /> Safety and Risk, on setting up some safety training and awareness. He stated frequency <br /> breeds severity. Mr. Matt Chlebowski, Central Services, noted that one employee is <br /> responsible for three of this year's accidents, and there has been some Human Resources <br /> involvement and disciplinary procedures involved. Mr. Gregg Zientara, Controller, <br /> suggested they need incentives for safety, and tracking devices for zero (0) accidents on <br /> vehicles. He suggested posting safety guidelines on the bulletin boards also. <br />