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KM <br />'.WHEREAS, the Commission has agreed to sublease the Real Property <br />to the City of South Bend, and the City of South Bend, acting by and <br />through the Board, has agreed to sublease the Real Property from the <br />Commission under the terms and conditions of a sublease containing <br />terms and conditions which are substantially similar to those <br />embodied in the Lease, with the exception that the rent paid by the <br />City to the Commision pursuant to said sublease shall be nominal in <br />amount. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT <br />COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. That the sublease of the following described real property by <br />the South Bend Redevelopment Commission to the City of South Bend, <br />acting by and through its Board of Public Works: <br />A parcel of land in the West Half of the Southeast <br />Quarter of Section 12, Township 37 North, Range 2 <br />East, City of South Bend, Portage Township, St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana, being part of Lot 14 and 21 <br />of John Rush's 1st Addition, as recorded in Book 2, <br />Page 53, at the St. Joseph County Recorder's Office <br />in South Bend, Indiana, and described as follows: <br />Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 11, also <br />being the East right -of -way line of Rush Street and <br />the South right -of -way line of a 12.50 foot alley; <br />thence North 89 041140" East (bearing assumed), <br />165.00 feet along said South right -of -way line; <br />thence South 00 °01154" East, 94.53 feet; thence <br />North 89 °41140" East, 35.00 feet to the Point of <br />Beginning; thence continuing North 89 °41140" East, <br />38.79 feet; thence South 00 001154" East, 71.74 feet <br />to the North right -of -way line of South Street; <br />thence South 89 °41140" West, 38.79 feet along said <br />North right -of -way line; thence North 00 001'54" <br />West, 71.47 feet to the Point of Beginning and <br />containing 0.0636 acres, more or less, and is <br />subject to all easements, restrictions and or <br />covenants of record. Commonly known as 701 East <br />South Street (the "Real Property ") <br />under terms and conditions that are substantially similar to those <br />embodied in the Lease, shall be, and hereby is, approved, subject to <br />the adoption of a resolution by the Board of Public Works of the City <br />of South Bend, substantially identical in its terms and conditions as <br />this resolution, and, further, subject to the approval of the South <br />Bend Redevelopment Authority. <br />t <br />2. That the President and Secretary of the Commission shall be, <br />and hereby are, authorized, respectively, to execute and attest to <br />the execution of a sublease containing terms and conditions which are <br />substantially similar to those embodied in the Lease, with the <br />exception that the rent paid by the City to the Commisison shall be <br />