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RESOLUTION NO. 1162 <br />SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />WHEREAS, the South Bend Redevelopment Commission (the <br />"Commission "), has heretofore on June 4, 1993, adopted Resolution No. <br />1160, the provisions of which Resolution are hereby included herein by <br />this reference thereto, determining to make lease payments for local <br />public improvements that are in or serving the Airport Economic <br />Development Area No. 1 ( "Allocation Area No. 111) ( the "Allocation <br />Area ") with property tax proceeds that have been paid into the Airport <br />Economic Development Allocation Area No. 1 Special Fund (the <br />"Allocation Fund ") pursuant to IC 36- 7- 14 -39, such payment being <br />authorized by IC 36- 7- 14- 39(b)(2)(F); and <br />WHEREAS, the amount of funds in the Allocation Fund proposed to <br />be expended for said lease payments by the Commission is Three Hundred <br />Ninety -eight Thousand Dollars ($398,000.00); and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission did not include said funds in any regular <br />budget for the year 1993; and <br />WHEREAS, there are insufficient funds available or provided for <br />in the existing budget and tax levy which may be applied to such <br />expenses and the expenditure of such amount from the Allocation Fund <br />has been authorized by the Commission to procure the necessary funds <br />and an extraordinary emergency and necessity exists for the making of <br />the additional appropriation set out herein; and <br />WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Commission has caused notice of a <br />hearing on said appropriation to be published as required by law; and <br />WHEREAS, such public hearing was held on June 18, 1993, at 10:00 <br />a.m., E.S.T., at 1308 County -City Building, 227 West Jefferson <br />Boulevard, South Bend, Indiana 46601, on said appropriation at which <br />all taxpayers and interested persons had an opportunity to appear and <br />express their views as to such additional appropriation. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commission that: <br />1. Funds from the Allocation Fund in the amount of Three Hundred <br />Ninety -eight Thousand Dollars ($398,000.00) be, and they are hereby, <br />appropriated by the Commission for the purpose of providing funds to <br />be applied to make lease payments for local public improvements that <br />are in or serving the Allocation Area as more fully described in <br />Exhibit "A" hereto. <br />2. Such appropriation shall be in addition to all appropriations <br />provided for in the existing budget and levy and shall continue in <br />effect until the completion of the activities described in Section 1 <br />above. Any surplus of such proceeds shall be credited to the proper <br />fund as provided by law. <br />3. The President and Secretary of the Commission be and they are <br />hereby authorized and directed to certify a copy of this Resolution <br />together with such other proceedings and actions as may be necessary <br />to the St. Joseph County Auditor for certification to the Indiana <br />State Board of Tax Commissioners for the purpose of obtaining the <br />approval of said Board of the additional appropriation herein made. <br />10 <br />