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SECTION 10. The Bonds shall be sold by private <br />negotiated sale, as provided by IC 36- 7- 14- 25.1(g), to <br />the purchaser or purchasers at a price of par in <br />accordance with the Purchase Agreement. The President <br />or Vice - President of the Commission is hereby authorized <br />to execute and deliver the Purchase Agreement <br />substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E, <br />together with such changes and modifications as may be <br />approved by the President or Vice - President (with <br />execution by the President or Vice - President to be <br />conclusive evidence of such approval) , based upon the <br />recommendation of the financial advisor to the Commission <br />with respect to the interest rate on the Bonds and other <br />matters contained therein. The President or Vice - <br />President is further authorized to carry out, on behalf <br />of the City and Commission, the terms and conditions set <br />forth in the Purchase Agreement consistent with the <br />provisions of this Resolution. <br />Section 4. The Final Bond Resolution is further <br />amended to add Section 1.1 as follows: <br />Section 1.1. In anticipation of the issuance and sale <br />of the Series 1992 Bonds authorized herein, and to <br />provide interim financing to apply to the cost of the <br />Project, the Controller is hereby authorized and directed <br />to have prepared and to issue and sell to the Indiana <br />Bond Bank (the "Bond Bank ") negotiable BANs of the <br />Redevelopment District, in an amount not to exceed Two <br />Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,900,000), to <br />be designated "City of South Bend Redevelopment District <br />Tax Increment Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes of 1992." <br />The BANS shall be issued in fully registered form, shall <br />be numbered consecutively from 92R -1 upwards, shall be <br />issued in denominations of One Hundred Thousand Dollars <br />($100,000) or integral multiples thereof, shall be dated <br />as of the date of issuance of the BANs, and shall bear <br />/ interest at a rate or rates not exceeding ercen S/ k <br />p 00 %) per annum (the exact rate of interest to be <br />determined under the terms of a bond anticipation note <br />purchase agreement between the Indiana Bond Bank (the <br />"Bond Bank ") and the Commission to be entered into prior <br />to the sale of the BANs to the Bond Bank), payable on <br />February 1 and August 1, commencing on the February 1 or <br />August 1 which immediately follows the date of delivery <br />of the BANs. The BANs may be sold at a discount not <br />exceeding one percent (1.00 %) of the par amount thereof. <br />The initial BANs delivered will mature on December 31, <br />1994. Each subsequent BAN delivered will bear the same <br />maturity date as the initial BANs. The BANs shall be <br />subject to renewal or extension, subject to the <br />4 <br />