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aggregate principal amount of Two Million Nine Hundred Thousand and <br />00 /100 Dollars ($2,900,000.00) (the "Bonds "); and <br />WHEREAS, the Final Bond Resolution provides that the <br />Bonds will mature and be payable annually on February 1 in the <br />years 1998 through and including 2013 in various principal amounts; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission desires to amend the Final Bond <br />Ordinance to provide that the Bonds will mature and be payable on <br />February 1 in the years 1999 through and including 2013 in various <br />principal amounts; and <br />WHEREAS, Section 10 of the Final Bond Resolution <br />authorizes the President of the Commission to execute and deliver <br />a bond purchase agreement and the Commission desires to amend <br />Section 10 of the Final Bond Resolution to permit the President or <br />Vice - President of the Commission to execute and deliver a bond <br />purchase agreement; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission desires to further amend the <br />Final Bond Resolution to authorize the issuance of bond <br />anticipation notes ( "BANs ") to the Indiana Bond Bank pursuant to <br />the provisions of Indiana Code 5 -1.5 to finance the Project (as <br />that term is defined in the Final Bond Resolution) which BANs shall <br />be payable from the proceeds of the Bonds, from the Tax Increment <br />(as that term is defined in the Final Bond Resolution) and any <br />other source available to the Commission and to authorize the <br />refunding of said BANs; however, the payment of the BANS from the <br />Tax Increment shall be junior and subordinate to the payment of the <br />2 <br />