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• . f' <br /> Career Academy Project) ("Bonds"); (iii) the loan of the proceeds of the Bonds to the Borrower <br /> for the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of the Project; and (iv) the payment <br /> of the Bonds by the note payments of the Borrower under the Loan Agreement and Note, offset <br /> by the pledge of the Pledged Tax Increment, would be of benefit to the health and general <br /> welfare of the City. <br /> Section II. The economic development facilities will consist of the Project. <br /> Section III. At the public hearing held before the Commission, the Commission <br /> considered and determined that the Project would not have an adverse competitive effect on any <br /> similar facilities located in the City as required by IC 36-7-12-21. The Commission also <br /> considered whether the Project would be of benefit to the public health and welfare of the City <br /> and found that financing the Project would be of benefit to the public health and welfare of the <br /> City and the Common Council hereby confirms both findings. <br /> Section.IV. The substantially final forms of the Bond Purchase and Loan Agreement <br /> (including form of Note and Bonds), approved by the Commission are hereby approved <br /> (collectively, "Financing Agreements," referred to in IC 36-7-11.9 and -12), and the Financing <br /> Agreements shall be incorporated herein by reference and shall be inserted in the minutes of the <br /> Common Council and kept on file by the Clerk. In accordance with the provisions of IC 36-1-5- <br /> 4, two (2) copies of the Financing Agreements are on file in the office of the Clerk for public <br /> inspection. <br /> Section V. The City may issue its Bonds, maturing no later than December 31, 2015, <br /> in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,500,000. The Bonds are to be issued for the <br /> purpose of procuring funds to pay the costs of acquisition, construction, installation and <br /> equipping of the Project, all as more particularly set out in the Bond Purchase and Loan <br /> Agreement, which Bonds will be payable from note payments made by the Borrower under the <br /> Bond Purchase and Loan Agreement and Note, offset by Pledged Tax Increment, or as otherwise <br /> provided in the above described Bond Purchase and Loan Agreement (including form of Note <br /> and Bonds.), and the payment of certain costs of issuance and the funding of a debt service <br /> reserve, if necessary. The Bonds shall be issued in fully registered form in $5,000 denominations <br /> and integral multiples thereof. Payments on the Bonds are payable in lawful money of the United <br /> States of America by cheep mailed or delivered to the registered owners or by wire transfer as <br /> provided in the Bond Purchase and Loan Agreement. The Bonds shall never constitute a general <br /> obligation of, an indebtedness of, or a charge against the general credit of the City as described <br /> in the Bond Purchase and Loan Agreement. <br /> Section VI. The Mayor and the Controller are authorized and directed to sell the <br /> Bonds to the purchaser thereof at a price not less than 97% of the principal amount thereof and <br /> shall accrue interest at a rate not to exceed 4%per annum. <br /> Section V11. The Mayor, Controller and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute, <br /> attest, affix or imprint by any means the City seal to the documents constituting the Financing <br /> Agreements approved herein on behalf of the City and any other document which may be <br /> necessary or desirable to consummate the transaction, including the Bonds authorized herein. <br /> -2 - <br />