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Fable of Contents <br /> Minority and Women Business Development Program Proposal <br /> Page <br /> Historical.Overview 3-5 <br /> Executive Summary 5 <br /> Statistics and Trends 6 <br /> Proposal 7-8 <br /> Management and Staffing 9 <br /> Budget 10 <br /> `fin the woke of our changing emxomy,moving fmm an MAstrial mankJ'aawing bare to a service emnemy,an <br /> increasing y Imge number of miwnfi'es wbo bares not been able to expand witb the economy hatx been kft bebiatd." <br /> Dr. Cbmares C,nypo,E vmamics Professor, Unimnity of Notre Dame 1990 <br /> 2 <br /> Thal pmposd roves compjkd and created by Sallie and Associates—sallieaswciates @aol.cOm <br />