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WHEREAS, the Applicant will, subsequent to the adoption of this Resolution and before <br /> sale of the Bonds, seek the approval of the Commission and request the Commission to issue its <br /> report regarding the Project as required by Section 23 of Chapter 12 of the Act; and <br /> WHEREAS, it appears that the Project will not have an adverse competitive effect on any <br /> similar facility already constructed or operating in the City; <br /> NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council (the "Common <br /> Council") of the City as follows, based upon the application received by the Commission and the <br /> evidence submitted and presentations made by the Applicant, its agents and counsel as required <br /> by the Act: <br /> SECTION I. The Common Council finds, determines, ratifies and confines that the <br /> creation and retention of opportunities for gainful employment, the creation of business <br /> opportunities and the providing of secondary education to be achieved by the Project in the City <br /> will be of benefit to the health and general welfare of the citizens of the City;and that it is in the <br /> public interest that this Common Council take such action as it lawfully may to encourage the <br /> creation or retention of opportunities for gainful employment and the creation of business <br /> opportunities in and near said City. <br /> SECTION 11. The Common Council further finds, determines, ratifies and confirms that <br /> the issuance and sale of the Bonds of the City under the Act in an amount not to exceed <br /> $1,500,000 for the Project and the loan of the proceeds of the Bonds to the Applicant will serve <br /> the public purposes referred to above, in accordance with the Act. <br /> SECTION III. In order to induce the Applicant to proceed with the Project, the Common <br /> Council hereby finds, determines, ratifies and confirms that: <br /> (i) It will take or cause to be taken such actions pursuant to the Act as may be <br /> reasonably required to implement the aforesaid financing, or as it may deem <br /> reasonably appropriate in pursuance thereof; provided that all of the foregoing <br /> shall be mutually acceptable to the City and the Applicant; and <br /> (ii) It will adopt such ordinances and resolutions and authorize the execution and <br /> delivery of such instruments and the taking of such action as may be reasonably <br /> necessary and advisable for the authorization, issuance and sale of said Bonds, <br /> provided that all of the foregoing shall be mutually acceptable to the City and <br /> the Applicant. <br /> SECTION IV. All costs of the Project, including but not limited to, costs incurred for <br /> planning, engineering, interest paid during construction, underwriting expenses, attorney and <br /> bond counsel fees, and the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of the Project, <br /> including reimbursement or repayment to the Applicant of moneys expended after the date which <br /> is sixty (60) days prior to the date of adoption by the Applicant's Board of Directors of its <br /> Reimbursement Resolution will be permitted to be included as part of the costs of the Project to <br /> be financed out of the loan of the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds to the extent permitted by <br /> -2- <br />