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Century Center consisting of a brick and glass enclosure of <br />approximately Six Thousand (6000) square feet additional square <br />" feet to be located in the existing planter space in the exterior <br />front of the Century Center; and remodeling of office spaces and <br />stairwells. The Century Center Portion will be acquired and <br />! improved and renovated on real estate acquired or to be acquired <br />by the Authority and more particularly described as follows: <br />A tract of land in the Northwest Quarter (1/4) Section <br />12 Township 37 North, Range 2 East, Portage Township, <br />City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the East line of St. Joseph Street <br />96.25' South of the centerline of Jefferson Boulevard; thence <br />N 000 24' 52" W on and along the East line of St. Joseph <br />Street 757.60' to the PC of a 615.46' radius curve to the <br />left; thence continuing on and along the East line on said <br />615.46' radius curve, a chord distance of 213.76' bearing N <br />10° 24' 52" W an arc distance of 214.84' to the PT of said <br />curve; thence continuing on and along said East line of said <br />St. Joseph Street on a bearing of N 20° 24' 52" W a distance <br />of 32.55'; thence N 310 13' 38" E, a distance of 49.29' to the <br />South line of Colfax Avenue; thence N 890 39' 38" E on and <br />along the South line of Colfax Avenue a distance of 96.09 feet <br />to a point on the West water's edge of the St. Joseph River; <br />thence southerly and easterly along said West water's edge of <br />the St. Joseph River; a distance of 85.191; thence S 450 30' <br />56" W, a distance of 33.16'; thence S 37° 25' 58" E, a <br />distance of 3.87'; thence S 51° 28' 27" W, a distance of <br />22.70' thence S 42° 29" 3' E, a distance of 17.391; thence S <br />340 46' 56" W, a distance of 2.91' thence S 13° 59' 36" E, a <br />distance of 6.45'; thence S 14° 29' 46" E, a distance of 83.42 <br />feet; thence S 460 48' 33" W a distance of 93.841; thence S <br />420 04' 22" E, a distance of 62.171; thence S 480 02' 48" W, <br />a distance of 15.031; thence southerly and easterly along a <br />retaining wall a distance of 450.61'; thence S 71° 30' 02" E, <br />a distance of 124.871; thence S 600 55' 27" E, a distance of <br />146.45'; thence S 42° 27' 53" E, a distance of 129.18'; thence <br />S 740 24' 32" E, a distance of 111.26' to a point on the North <br />line of Jefferson Boulevard, the last four courses being along <br />the West water's edge of the St. Joseph River; thence S 890 <br />40' 07" W a distance of 106.001; thence N 00 19' 53" W a <br />distance of 1.25 feet to the PC of a 360.81' radius curve to <br />the left; thence on and along said 360.81' radius curve to the <br />left a chord distance of 316.42' bearing S 63° 39' 42" W, an <br />arc distance of 327.551; thence S 890 38' 42" W, a distance <br />of 405.06' to the East line of St. Joseph Street, said point <br />being the place of beginnings. Said tract containing 282,700 <br />square feet (6.72 Acres) more or less. <br />-3- <br />