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RESOLUTION NO. 1166 <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR <br />REAL PROPERTY TAX DEDUCTION <br />WHEREAS, I.C. 6 -1.1- 12.1 -20) provides that an application for property tax deduction <br />may not be approved when the property is located in an allocation area as defined in I.C. <br />36- 7- 14-39, unless the Redevelopment Commission which designated that allocation area adopts a <br />resolution approving that application; and <br />WHEREAS, the South Bend Common Council has received a petition for ten years of real <br />property tax abatement consideration from AE Piston Products, Inc., for real property located at <br />3605 W. Cleveland Road in the Airport Economic Development Area, the legal description of <br />which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein; and <br />WHEREAS, this Commission declared the Airport Economic Development Area by <br />Resolution No. 919, adopted February 23, 1990, and in the same resolution declared the Airport <br />Economic Development Allocation Area, Allocation Area No. 1; and <br />WHEREAS, the property located at 3605 W. Cleveland Road is located within the Airport <br />Economic Development Allocation Area, Allocation Area No. 1. <br />NOW, TTDEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />as follows: <br />1) The Commission finds that the application from AE Piston Products, Inc., for ten years <br />of real property tax abatement consideration for property located at 3605 W. Cleveland Road in <br />the Airport Economic Development Allocation Area, Allocation Area No. 1, is hereby approved. <br />2) That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the South Bend Common Council to <br />indicate the Commission's approval of the petition for real property tax abatement for AE Piston <br />Products, Inc. <br />Approved this 24th day of June, 1993, at a special meeting of the South Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission. <br />ATTEST: <br />l <br />ML:Res1166 <br />SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />Roman J. Piasec Vice President <br />