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THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />2006 BUDGET - SUMMARY OF MAJOR CHANGES FROM 2005 <br />COUNTY OPTION INCOME TAX (Fund #404) <br />NOTES: <br />a -The Cityrs portion of this county -wide tax which is shared by clfies and towns within the county <br />based upon tax levy. Rates will be established in early 2006 and canified distributions will be given at that time. <br />The actual final budget estimate will be determined by the Department of Local Government & Finance in the fall of 2005 and any adjustments <br />Will be made to this revenue budget prior to submiding a capita€ appropriation to the Council in February of 2006. This increase is based upon <br />early estimates. <br />b - Represents the increase in debt service payments for the Park Department Fitness Extension. <br />c - The 2064 & 2005 actual expenditures reflect only cash expended during the year and do not include amounts unspent but encumbered <br />as of the end of the year. <br />PROJECTION OF CAPITAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR 2007 <br />2004 <br />2005 <br />2005 <br />Anticipated <br />2006 <br />COIT Fund 12131145 Cash balari available for 2006 Capital Projects <br />Actual <br />Actual <br />Budget <br />Change. <br />Budget <br />REVENUE: <br />7,254,328 <br />2006 Budgeted Expenditures (see above) <br />(6,644,855) <br />Projected ED €T Fund cash balance as of 12131106 <br />609,473 <br />County Option Income Tax <br />7,001,198 <br />5,695,618 <br />5,490,218 <br />54,902 a <br />5,545,320 <br />Interest c" Investments <br />148,338 <br />198,693 <br />120,000 <br />0 <br />120,006 <br />Misc Revenue <br />1,012,813 <br />1 553 334 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Total Revenue <br />8,160,349 <br />7,447,645 <br />5,610,218 <br />54,902 <br />5,665,120 <br />Total Revenue Increasef(Decrease) <br />54,902 <br />Revenue Increasel(Decreari as a Percent <br />1.0% <br />2004 <br />2005 <br />2005 <br />Anticipated <br />2006 <br />Actual <br />Actual <br />Budget <br />Changes <br />Budget <br />EXPENDITURES: <br />Expenditures approved as a part of the Operating Budget: <br />Lease Payments- Transpcll-eighton Plaza Garage <br />200,000 <br />200,000 <br />200,000 <br />0 <br />200,006 <br />Capital Lease Payments- Punic Works Facility <br />1,222,814 <br />2,412,183 <br />2,408,184 <br />205,897b <br />2,615,001 <br />Interfund Transfer -Street Department <br />0 <br />5 <br />0 <br />286,000 <br />280,000 <br />Expenditures appmved as a part of the Capital Budget (note c), <br />Land Improvements: <br />Major Project Funds <br />691,045 <br />0 <br />430,000 <br />(410,000) <br />0 <br />Cleveland Travel Lanes 111 <br />78,036 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />TJX Project <br />368,641 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Building Acquisition -412 S. Lavesyett <br />0 <br />354,245 <br />450,000 <br />(450,000) <br />4 <br />Riverside bikeway4-ikway <br />85,405 <br />105,139 <br />410,000 <br />(410,000) <br />0 <br />Bro,vnfelds - Contingent Fund <br />314,302 <br />47,212 <br />800,000 <br />(600,000) <br />0 <br />Fredrickson ParkfProject <br />293,832 <br />1,045,745 <br />114,632 <br />350,368 <br />465,000 <br />South Side Development <br />212,071 <br />370,989 <br />380,000 <br />(38o,000) <br />0 <br />Northeast Neighborhood Development <br />0 <br />350,433 <br />500,000 <br />0 <br />560,000 <br />Sample Ewing Development <br />0 <br />45,470 <br />112,220 <br />(112,220) <br />0 <br />South Bend Central Development <br />0 <br />85,200 <br />200 000 <br />(200,006) <br />0 <br />City Wide Projects <br />0 <br />178,277 <br />293,000 <br />(293,000) <br />0 <br />Main & Lafayette Crossover Project <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />500,000 <br />500,000 <br />TJX Bond Payment <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />391,970 <br />391,970 <br />TJX VRP Participation <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />67,600 <br />87,800 <br />Fiber Optic Cable - 933 <br />100,001 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Oliver Plow Works Court <br />242,617 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Southeast Park <br />90,682 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />C <br />St. Joseph River Dam repairs <br />1,232,921 <br />110,312 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Memorial Park Scat Ramp <br />17,289 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Root Repairs - CBnen,Nevman & Erskine <br />80,554 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Playground Equipment- --she Park <br />10,305 <br />6 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />King Center Phanse 111 <br />170,567 <br />0 <br />1) <br />0 <br />Relocation of Park Maintenance Facility <br />1,355,340 <br />1,382,692 <br />213,800 <br />(213,806) <br />0 <br />Other misc projects <br />203,024 <br />1,268,650 <br />1,104,988 <br />(967,738) <br />137,250 <br />BuildlnWBuilding Improvements: <br />Fire Station Design, Build & Site Acquisition <br />0 <br />106,131 <br />700,000 <br />Q00,000) <br />0 <br />Sample Ewing Development <br />0 <br />522,427 <br />510,223 <br />{510,223) <br />0 <br />Other misc projects <br />0 <br />198,014 <br />570,000 <br />(670,000) <br />0 <br />Potawotomi Park Shelter House <br />66,417 <br />30,536 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Community & Neighborhood Development: <br />Commercial Corridors improvements <br />748,449 <br />1,460,744 <br />1,110,273 <br />(92,870) <br />1,017,403 <br />Downtovm improvements l SBDP Funds <br />531,381 <br />339,573 <br />350,000 <br />{350,000) <br />0 <br />Colfax Garage - Transpo payment <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />200,000 <br />200,000 <br />Good Neighbors Building Block Grants <br />70,859 <br />71,354 <br />60,000 <br />0 <br />80,000 <br />Community -based After School Programs <br />128,215 <br />134,565 <br />163,712 <br />5,539 <br />170,351 <br />Logan Building Assistance <br />175,000 <br />175,400 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Other misc projects <br />656,635 <br />194,401 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Total Expenditures <br />9,546,402 <br />11,186,892 <br />11,181.032 <br />(4,535,177) <br />6,644,855 <br />Revenue Overf(Undar) Expenditures <br />{3,739,247) <br />(5,570,814} <br />(1,386,053) <br />{979,735) <br />NOTES: <br />a -The Cityrs portion of this county -wide tax which is shared by clfies and towns within the county <br />based upon tax levy. Rates will be established in early 2006 and canified distributions will be given at that time. <br />The actual final budget estimate will be determined by the Department of Local Government & Finance in the fall of 2005 and any adjustments <br />Will be made to this revenue budget prior to submiding a capita€ appropriation to the Council in February of 2006. This increase is based upon <br />early estimates. <br />b - Represents the increase in debt service payments for the Park Department Fitness Extension. <br />c - The 2064 & 2005 actual expenditures reflect only cash expended during the year and do not include amounts unspent but encumbered <br />as of the end of the year. <br />PROJECTION OF CAPITAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR 2007 <br />COIT Fund cash balance as of 12131)05 <br />7,295,240 <br />Less: Encumbrances outstanding as of 12131105 <br />(5,139,520) <br />COIT Fund 12131145 Cash balari available for 2006 Capital Projects <br />2,155,720 <br />2006 Budgeted Revenue (sea above) <br />5,665,120 <br />Less: Reserve (20% of projected 2066 revenue) not available for appropriation <br />(5W.512) <br />Projected LOUT Funds available for Expenditures in 2006 <br />7,254,328 <br />2006 Budgeted Expenditures (see above) <br />(6,644,855) <br />Projected ED €T Fund cash balance as of 12131106 <br />609,473 <br />