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THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />2006 BUDGET - SUMMARY OF MAJOR CHANGES FROM 2005 <br />LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS ACCOUNT (Fund #259) <br />Total Revenue Increase /(Decrease) (122,676) <br />Revenue Increase/(Decrease) as a Percent -3.8% <br />2004 <br />2006 <br />2006 <br />Anticipated <br />2006 <br />LRSA Fund 12/31/05 cash balance available for 2006 Capital Projects <br />Actual <br />Actual <br />Budget <br />Changes <br />Budget <br />REVENUE: <br />(3,023,000) <br />Projected LR&S Fund cash balance as of 12/31/06 <br />1,013,170 <br />Gasoline Tax (including State Lottery Funds) <br />1,192,576 <br />1,212,413 <br />1,200,681 <br />(12,676) <br />1,188,005 <br />Wheel Tax <br />1,953,079 <br />1,914,530 <br />2,035,000 <br />(110,000) a <br />1,925,000 <br />Reimbursements <br />466,251 <br />69,699 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Interest on Investments <br />19,300 <br />52,910 <br />10,000 <br />0 <br />10,000 <br />Total Revenue <br />3,631,206 <br />3,249,552 <br />3,245,681 <br />(122,676) <br />3,123,005 <br />Total Revenue Increase /(Decrease) (122,676) <br />Revenue Increase/(Decrease) as a Percent -3.8% <br />Revenue Overl(Under) Expenditures 551,583 639,969 (1,014,835) 100,005 <br />NOTES: <br />a - Per the County estimate based on vehicle registration information from Bureau of Motor Vehicles. <br />b - The 2004 actual and 2005 actual expenditures reflect only cash expended during the year and do not include amounts unspent but <br />encumbered as of the end of the year. <br />PROJECTION OF CAPITAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR 2007 <br />2004 <br />2005 <br />2005 <br />Anticipated <br />2006 <br />LRSA Fund 12/31/05 cash balance available for 2006 Capital Projects <br />Actual <br />Actual <br />Budget <br />Changes <br />Budget <br />CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (see note b): <br />(3,023,000) <br />Projected LR&S Fund cash balance as of 12/31/06 <br />1,013,170 <br />Street Paving Materials & Repairs <br />2,094,738 <br />1,430,274 <br />1,800,000 <br />(300,000) <br />1,500,000 <br />Concrete Street Paving <br />299,282 <br />272,829 <br />300,000 <br />(100,000) <br />200,000 <br />Specific Street Improvements <br />662,516 <br />846,510 <br />2,050,516 <br />(797,516) <br />1,253,000 <br />Engineering Fees <br />23,087 <br />51,875 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Traffic Signals and Devices <br />0 <br />8,095 <br />110,000 <br />(40,000) <br />70,000 <br />Total Capital Expenditures <br />3,079,623 <br />2,609,583 <br />4,260,516 <br />(1,237,516) <br />3,023,000 <br />Revenue Overl(Under) Expenditures 551,583 639,969 (1,014,835) 100,005 <br />NOTES: <br />a - Per the County estimate based on vehicle registration information from Bureau of Motor Vehicles. <br />b - The 2004 actual and 2005 actual expenditures reflect only cash expended during the year and do not include amounts unspent but <br />encumbered as of the end of the year. <br />PROJECTION OF CAPITAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR 2007 <br />LRSA Fund cash balance as of 12/31/05 <br />1,945,615 <br />Less: Encumbrances outstanding as of 12131!05 <br />(1,032,450) <br />LRSA Fund 12/31/05 cash balance available for 2006 Capital Projects <br />913,165 <br />2006 Budgeted Revenue (see above) <br />3,123,005 <br />LRSA funds available for Capital Projects in 2006 <br />4,036,170 <br />2006 Capital Budget (see above) <br />(3,023,000) <br />Projected LR&S Fund cash balance as of 12/31/06 <br />1,013,170 <br />