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THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />200$ BUDGET - SUMMARY OF MAJOR CHANGES FROM 2005 <br />FEDERALLY FUND HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION (Fund #258 -1008 & 1009) <br />EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUMTY Fund #258 -1008 <br />REVENUE: <br />EEOC Omni- Current Year <br />InterestlDOnafions <br />EEOG Travel reimbursement <br />Total Revenue <br />Total Revenue Increase!(Decrease) <br />Revenue Increase!(Decrease} as a Percent <br />EXPENDITURES: <br />Personnel Costs, <br />Salaries <br />Benefits <br />Total Personnel Costs <br />Supplies <br />Services: <br />Other Prof Services - Staff Ailomay <br />Travel <br />Education & Training <br />Other Misc. Services <br />Talal Services' <br />Other Uses - Central Services Allocation <br />Total Expenditures: <br />Total Expenditures Increasel(Decrease) <br />Expenditures Innmasel(Decrease) as a Percent <br />Revenue OveN(Under) Expenditures <br />2084 <br />2805 <br />2005 <br />Salary <br />2006 <br />Actual <br />Actual <br />Budget <br />Charges <br />Budget <br />69,900 <br />78,687 <br />90.000 <br />0 <br />90,006 <br />17,724 <br />23,675 <br />13,000 <br />0 <br />13,000 <br />1.200 <br />1,020 <br />1.300 <br />0 <br />x_300 <br />88,824 <br />103,377 <br />104,300 <br />0 <br />104,300 <br />0 <br />OAO% <br />20114 <br />2005 <br />2865 <br />Salary <br />Other <br />2006 <br />Actual <br />Actual <br />Budget <br />Ordinance <br />Changes <br />Budget <br />23,756 <br />26,778 <br />28,588 <br />567 <br />(214) <br />26,941 <br />10,061 <br />9,354 <br />13,966 <br />69 <br />(5,327) b <br />x,708 <br />33 817 <br />36.132 <br />42,554 <br />636 <br />15.541] <br />37,649 <br />1,638 <br />2,881 <br />1,600 <br />0 <br />0 <br />1,800 <br />20,080 <br />20,066 <br />20,000 <br />0 <br />0 <br />20,000 <br />7,724 <br />6,787 <br />6,800 <br />0 <br />(1,631) <br />5,169 <br />3,277 <br />1,353 <br />2,000 <br />0 <br />0 <br />2,000 <br />3 595 <br />30613 <br />3,425 <br />0 <br />0 <br />3,825 <br />34,596 <br />31,753 <br />32,625 <br />0 <br />(1_,637_)_ <br />30,994 <br />1,624 <br />1,785 <br />1,785 <br />0 <br />410 <br />2,195 <br />71,675 <br />71.751 <br />78,764 <br />636 <br />(6,762) <br />72,638 <br />(6,126) <br />17,149 31,1326 25,536 31 ,662 <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 1Fund p258 -10095 <br />2004 2005 <br />Actual Actual <br />REVENUE: <br />HUD Grant - Current Year 103,464 44,396 <br />CDBG Owl (Community & Economic Development) 13,000 11,917 <br />HUD Travel Reimbursement 8 Training (100 %) 0 0 <br />Total Revenue 116,464 56,313 <br />Total Revenue nersasef(Decrease) <br />Revenue Increasel(Decrease) as a Percent <br />EXPENDITURES: <br />Personnel COS75: <br />Salaries <br />Benefits <br />Total Personnel Goats <br />Supplies <br />Se lees. <br />Travel <br />Promotional <br />Education & Training <br />Legal - Hearing Officer <br />Other Misc. Services <br />Total Services: <br />Other Uses - Central Services Allocation <br />Total Expenditures: <br />Total Expenditures Increasel(Decrease) <br />Expenditures Increasel(Decrease) as a Percent <br />Revenue Overt(Under) Expenditures <br />2084 2605 <br />Actual Actual <br />36,511 36 ,641 <br />6,546 6,998 <br />43,057 43,639 <br />1,120 1,240 <br />W503 10,788 <br />3,368 3,375 <br />7,954 9,947 <br />2,150 700 <br />13,206 4,1x1092 <br />43,201 65,902 <br />1,524 1,785 <br />89,002 112,566 <br />27,462 (56253) <br />2005 <br />a - Reflects projected funding based upon contracts 10- be finalized in September 2005. <br />2008 <br />Budget <br />Changes <br />regarding coverage options chosen by employees (i.e., family, single or rebate). <br />Budget <br />80000 <br />(7,D00) a <br />73,000 <br />13,000 <br />(3,000) a <br />463,781 <br />10,000 <br />20,000 <br />0 <br />459,154 <br />20,000 <br />113, 000 <br />10, 000 <br />501,642 <br />103, 000 <br />(50,000} <br />2005 <br />Salary <br />Other <br />2008 <br />Budget <br />Ordinance <br />Changes <br />Budget <br />36,812 <br />733 <br />1250) <br />37,395 <br />8,S17 <br />60 <br />(1,760) b <br />7 237 <br />45,829 <br />813 <br />(2,010) <br />44,632 <br />1,000 <br />0 <br />0 <br />1,000 <br />39,000 <br />0 <br />0 <br />39,000 <br />3,000 <br />0 <br />0 <br />3,000 <br />10,000 <br />0 <br />(3,156) <br />6,644 <br />9,000 <br />0 <br />9,090 <br />18,000 <br />2,130 <br />0 <br />0 <br />2,130 <br />63,130 <br />0 <br />5,,844 <br />60974 <br />5,785 <br />0 <br />410 <br />2,195 <br />111,744 <br />813 <br />4,244 <br />176,801 <br />5,057 <br />4.5% <br />5,256 3( 3,801] <br />NOTES: <br />a - Reflects projected funding based upon contracts 10- be finalized in September 2005. <br />b - Includes an average cast increase of 18% for the City's Self - Insurance Health Plan plus any necessary <br />changes from Iastyeare budget <br />regarding coverage options chosen by employees (i.e., family, single or rebate). <br />Also includes an increase ofthe Cihjs mandated contributions to the State's PERF plan which vras 4,25% oftota€ salary in 2005 to 4.51 <br />in 2006. This rate is determined by the Indiana Board of Trustees of PERF on an annual basis. <br />CASH BALANCE PROJECTION (necessary to cover deficit budget) <br />Human Rights Fund cash balance as of 12731!04 <br />463,781 <br />Projected 2005 revenue underlover expenditures (above) <br />-24 _627 <br />Human Rights Fund cash balance available for 2006 operations <br />459,154 <br />2006 budget deficit7surplus (above) <br />17,861 <br />Projected Human Rights Fund cash balance as of 12731106 <br />501,642 <br />% of <br />Change <br />-13.0% <br />0.0% <br />-5.3% <br />% of <br />Change <br />-2.7% <br />0.0% <br />8.5% <br />