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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting — September 13, 2011 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />F. Northeast Neighborhood Development Area <br />(5) continued... <br />Mr. Downes asked for clarification that it's <br />Burkhart's sign, but they don't have to take it <br />down or relocate it if they don't want to, but <br />they would if the city pays for doing so. Mr. <br />Relos said that was correct. <br />Mr. Downes made a motion to approve the <br />request for funding to remove a billboard on <br />South Bend Avenue at Eddy Street. Mr. <br />Alford seconded the motion. The motion <br />passed on a vote of four in favor. Mr. Varner <br />was opposed. <br />G. Douglas Road Economic Development Area <br />There was no business in the Douglas Road <br />Economic Development Area. <br />H. Other <br />(1) Proposal from Crowe Horwath for TIF <br />Neutralization Calculations. <br />Mr. Inks noted that the TIF Neutralization <br />Worksheets include collecting the necessary <br />data, preparing the worksheets for each TIF <br />area and filing the worksheets with the <br />Auditor's office. The total cost is not to <br />exceed $15,000 for professional fees. In <br />addition, staff is requesting a not -to- exceed <br />amount of $2,500 for incidental costs related <br />to communication, printing, travel expenses <br />and other similar expenses. The total of <br />$17,500 is the same as last year. <br />Mr. Inks noted that these calculations are <br />27 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE REQUEST FOR <br />FUNDING TO REMOVE BILLBOARD ON SOUTH <br />BEND AVENUE AT EDDY STREET <br />