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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting — September 13, 2011 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />(5) First Amendment to Parking Agreement <br />with Kimberly -Clark for parking lot <br />associated with Stephenson Mill <br />Apartments. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. King, seconded by <br />Mr. Alford and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the First Amendment <br />to Parking Agreement with Kimberly -Clark <br />for parking lot associated with Stephenson <br />Mill Apartments. <br />(6) Easement Conversion Agreement with <br />Kimberly -Clark for parking lot associated <br />with Stephenson Mill Apartments. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. King, seconded by <br />Mr. Alford and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the Easement <br />Conversion Agreement with Kimberly -Clark <br />for parking lot associated with Stephenson <br />Mill Apartments. <br />(7) Resolution No. 2932 amending the <br />Development Plan for the South Bend <br />Central Development Area and adding an <br />interest in one or more parcels to the List <br />of Parcels to be Acquired (former Wharf <br />site). <br />Mr. Sikora noted that Resolution No. 2932 <br />begins the process to amend the SBCDA <br />Development Plan to add 318 E. Colfax <br />Avenue (the former Wharf Restaurant) to the <br />list of properties to be acquired. This <br />property has already been assessed and its <br />potential acquisition found to be consistent <br />with the goals and objectives of the East <br />Bank Village Master Plan. <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE FIRST <br />AMENDMENT TO PARKING AGREEMENT WITH <br />KIMBERLY -CLARK FOR PARKING LOT <br />ASSOCIATED WITH STEPHENSON MILL <br />APARTMENTS. <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE EASEMENT <br />CONVERSION AGREEMENT WITH KIMBERLY - <br />CLARK FOR PARKING LOT ASSOCIATED WITH <br />STEPHENSON MILL APARTMENTS. <br />