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SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS <br />~Continued~ <br />Local Road and Street - To account for operation and maintenance of local and arterial road and <br />street systems. Financing is provided by state gasoline tax distributions. <br />Human Rights - <br />Federal - To account for expenditures to prevent discrimination and to promote <br />human rights. Financing is provided by federal grants. <br />East Race Waterway - To account for donations for the promotion and development of the East <br />Race Waterway. <br />Special Events - To account for revenues and expenditures relating to the operation of <br />special events sponsored or organized by the City. <br />Police Block Grants - To account for a federal grant used to finance police activities. <br />Economic Development <br />Commission - To accoun# for administrative expenditures of the Economic Development <br />Commission. Financing is provided by fees from businesses applying for <br />Economic Development Revenue Bonds. <br />Hazmat - To account for monies generated by the Sou#h Bend Fire Department's <br />response to hazardous materials incidents. Funds are used to purchase, <br />repair, or replace haz-mat equipment, or for training and supplies. <br />Indiana River Rescue - Ta account for expenditures related to river rescue training. Financing is <br />provided by registration fees. <br />COPS Block Grant II - To account for federal grants which provide financing for police activities. <br />Regional Police <br />Academy - To account for revenues tuition} and expenditures seminars, travel, <br />lectures, and career days related to the advancement of present and future <br />police officers. <br />C4P5 MGRE Grant - To account for a CGPS MGRE grant which provides financing for police <br />activities. <br />Federal Drug <br />Enforcement - To account for expenditures for drug enforcement. Financing is provided by <br />distributions from the authorized federal agencies' confiscated property sale. <br />Urban Development <br />Action Grant - To account for economic development expenditures which are financed by <br />federal grants and loan repayments. <br />Leaf Collection and <br />Removal - To account for the expenditures of a program to remove leaves from the <br />Gity each fa11. Financing is provided by a monthly service fee charged to all <br />City residents. <br />Police K-9 Unit - To account for donations for development and maintenance ofthe K-9 unit. <br />58 <br />