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Increase l .Percent of <br /> Percent Decrease} Increase 1 <br />Ex enditures 20UI Amount of Total from 20U0 ecrease <br />General Government $ 6,938,489 6.7°/a $ X66,527} -0.9°/4 <br />Public Safety 3$,687,286 37.3% 2,558,139 7.14/4 <br />Highway and Streets 14,064,377 13.6% 131,126 4.9°/4 <br />Health and Welfare 65,000 0.1 % 0 O.D°/4 <br />Culture and Recreation 12,864,397 12.4% 1,691,232 15.1 °/4 <br />Urban Redevelopment <br />and Housing 5,269,097 8.0% 1,459,757 21.4% <br />Capital Outlay 14,937,077 14.4% X3,486,420} -18.9% <br />Debt Service 7,916,470 7.6% 1,465,024 15.5% <br /> $ 103 742193 100.0% $ 3 352 331 3,30/4 <br />The increase in Public Safety expenditures can be attributed to personnel cost increases for the <br />Police and Fire Departments x$1,298,687 which represents 80% of the total increase and equates <br />to an annual personnel cost increase of 8.2%}, additional public safety capital expenditures <br />x$567,382} and other operational cost decreases x$246,389}. Personnel cost increases reflect the <br />salary and benefit increases negotiated with two separate unions that represent the City's <br />Fraternal Drder of Police and Firefighters. <br />The increase in Culture and Recreation expenditures reflect the overall operating and capital cost <br />increases incurred for the Park Department x$928,648}, an increase of $119,990 to fully fund the <br />annual operational costs of the Morris Performing Arts Center, and an increase due to specific <br />capital projects that were funded out of the Special Revenue funds during 2001. Urban <br />Redevelopment and Housing expenditures increased as a result of a wide variety of programs <br />funded by various state and federal sources during bath 2000 and 2001. Through various <br />agreements in 2000 to induce the Robert Bosch Corporation to retain and expand its current <br />facility, the City will finance various improvements and will purchase the property. These <br />expenditures were a significant part of the increase in 2001. <br />Capital Qutlay expenditures change from year to year based upon the specific projects that are <br />funded in a given year, Compared to 2000, 2001 capital expenditures were lower due to funding <br />and timing of new projects. In 2002, additional expenditures for the brownfield distribution <br />center by TJX Corporation will approximate $5.0-7.0 million. This will be a substantial new <br />investment in the Studebaker Corridor Redevelopment area by a firm new to the South Bend <br />area. <br />The increase in Debt Service was due to increased principal and interest payments for the f rst <br />installment on the Hall of Fame debt. These bonds are more fully explained in the footnotes that <br />accompany the financial statements found in the next section of this document. <br />Proprietar!~perat~ons. The City's proprietary operations comprise several separate and <br />