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recently refurbished three main fire trucks to like-new status, This year we will <br />start work on new administrative offices for the Fire Department and Central Fire <br />Station. The Mayor's top initiatives will focus on regional policing, providin in- <br />. .. g <br />car cameras far all patrol cars and placing more emphasis on training and <br />recruitment for the Police and Fire Departments. <br />We're Building an Attractive City - We are working to enhance the natural and <br />man-made beauty of our city through effective City programs. For the fifth year <br />in a raw we were named a Tree City USA. The Building Block Grant Program <br />helps residents spruce up their neighborhoods, and aggressive Code Enforcement <br />will continue to address deteriorated and nuisance properties. The Commercial <br />Corridors Improvement Fund provides much needed funding to address a variety <br />of needs along five of the City's major corridors. The City is funding major <br />programs for curb & sidewalks, neighborhood centers, weed & seed program, and <br />transforming a former dump into a model outdoor environmental lab. <br />H'e're Building Opportunity - A key issue for any city is education and <br />opportunity for young people. The City is committed to keeping schools open in <br />our neighborhoods and to maximizing their use by the community. ~Ve are <br />building partnerships that will create~new strategies for enhancing our formal <br />education system. VL~orking together with families, student groups, school <br />officials, neighborhoods, the faith community and civic organizations, we can <br />support our local schools and improve the level of individual student <br />performance. <br />We're Building a Strong Economy -Local government plays a key role in <br />economic development. By providing adequate infrastructure and offering <br />targeted assistance, the City can stimulate private investment, creating business <br />opportunities and lobs. The City's policies encourage new start-up businesses, <br />strengthen existing business, attract new jobs, increase assessed value and <br />emphasize direct investment inhard-to-develop areas. Efforts have been and will <br />continue to focus on implementing the comprehensive plans for downtown and <br />the East Bank. The City's administration will vigorously pursue the revitalization <br />of older industrial sites, as well as the expansion of the Blackthorn area. <br />FINANCIAL INFGRMATIUN <br />General Government Revenues. The following schedule presents a summary of General Fund, <br />Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Funds and Capital Projects Funds revenues for the fiscal <br />year ended December 31, 2D4I and the amount and percentage of increases and decreases in <br />relation to prior year revenues. <br />xviii <br />