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V <br /> M�MORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br /> WHEREAS, the Board of Park Commissioners of the Civil City of South Bend <br /> (Hereinafter referred to as Parks) is authorized under I.C. 36-10-4 to administer park property for <br /> the City of South Bend; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Board of Park Commissioners is authorized to acquire and dispose of <br /> real and personal property under I.C. 36-10-4-9(c)(S); and <br /> WHEREAS, Northwest Little League, Inc. and Indiana District 11 Little League, Inc., <br /> (Hereinafter collectively refened to as District 11) is the owner of certain real estate commonly <br /> known as 3401 Keller Street, South Bend, Indiana and more particularly described as: <br /> A portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 38 North, Range 2 <br /> East, and a part of the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, more . <br /> particularly described as follo�vs: <br /> Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 33; <br /> thence South 00° 07' 29" West along and with the East line of said Quarter <br /> Section a distance of 890.52 feet; thence North 89° 40' 09" West, a distance of <br /> 40.00 feet to an iron on the West line of Bendix Drive and the South line of <br /> Voorde Drive; thence continuing North 89° 40' 09" West on and along said North <br /> line of Voorde Drive a distance of 491.02 feet to the place of beginning; thence <br /> South 00° 19' S1" West a distance of 407.84 feet to a point on the North line of <br /> Keller Street; thence North 89° 23' 45" West on and along said North line of <br /> Keller Street a distance of 350.58 feet; thence North 00° 19' S1" East a distance of <br /> 406.17 feet to a point on the South line of Voorde Drive; thence South 89° 40' 09" <br /> East on and along said South line of Voorde Drive a distance of 350.58 feet to the <br /> place of begiruling. <br /> WHEREAS, District 11 no longer needs the property at 3401 Keller Street, South.Bend, <br /> Indiana (Hereinafter referred to as 3401 Keller) for its purposes; and <br /> WHEREAS, for more than five years District 11 has been in contact with Parks to find a <br /> suitable location for its Challenger Program to enable boys and girls with physical and mental <br /> disabilities ages 5 through 18 to enjoy the game of baseball based upon their abilities. <br /> WHEREFORE the parties agree as follows: <br /> 1. District 11 shall lease 3401 Keller to Parks for a period of ten (10) years for One <br /> Dollar ($1.00) per year within thirty (30) days from the signing of this Memorandum. <br /> 2. Parks will use its best efforts to acquire a suitable site consisting of at least 1.8 <br /> acres for District 11 to use for its Challen�er Program. Should such a site (hereinafter referred to <br /> as Challenger Site) be acquired, Parks will allow District 11 to use it for a fee set at a public <br /> meeting by the Board of Park Commissioners. Such fee shall not be greater than necessary to <br />