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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -December 1, 2006 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />I. Other <br />() continued... <br />Mr. King noted that the Commission <br />previously used the Common Council's <br />procedure at a public hearing earlier this <br />year. One thing that has been omitted from <br />the Council procedures in creating the <br />Commission's procedures is that the Council <br />provides for a limitation on the total time <br />available to members of the public speaking <br />against the resolution. The new Commission <br />procedures do not limit the total time. The <br />Council routinely waives that limitation. We <br />believe members of the public who wish to <br />speak should be allowed an opportunity to be <br />heard. <br />Mr. Downes asked if the Commission could <br />change the procedures for a particular <br />meeting to limit the total time for speaking <br />against. His concern was that people might <br />repeat the same information over and over, <br />without adding any new argument. Ms. <br />Greene responded that Legal's primary <br />concern is that the public be given sufficient <br />notice and an opportunity to be heard before <br />the Commission takes final action. She <br />further advised that it is the Commission's <br />duty to give sufficient opportunity for public <br />comment; therefore, if there are members of <br />the public who wish to speak, they should be <br />given sufficient opportunity. Legal Counsel <br />advises the Commission against adopting any <br />procedure that would serve to chill public <br />comment. <br />Mr. Hojnacki indicated that he was not <br />concerned about remonstrators taking too <br />9 <br />