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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -December 1, 2006 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (CONT.) <br />Florist. Eighteen businesses participated; it makes the <br />downtown look festive for the holidays. <br />Ms. Laurent also noted that at the December 15 meeting <br />she will be making a report on progress at the 101 N. <br />Michigan St. project. The developers will attend the <br />meeting and there will be a budget presented for the <br />facade renovations. <br />Ms. Kopala noted that other public bodies post their <br />agendas at least two days in advance of their meetings. <br />She would like the Commission to do that as well. Ms. <br />Greene noted that the Commission meets its legal <br />requirements by posting the agenda outside the meeting <br />room before the meeting begins. Those other bodies <br />which fix their agendas several days in advance of their <br />meetings may be subject to different notice requirements <br />or may be posting the agenda in advance as a matter of <br />courtesy or common practice. The Commission's <br />agenda often changes right up until the meeting starts <br />and may change during the meeting. There is a concern <br />that someone who sees a posted agenda well in advance <br />of the Commission meeting might not check back later <br />to see that an item they were interested in got added to <br />the agenda. Mr. Inks suggested that an agenda could be <br />po steel two days in advance with a note at the bottom <br />that the Commission's agenda frequently changes as late <br />as the morning of the meeting. Mr. King and other <br />Commissioners agreed that they would like to see that <br />change. <br />8. NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />The next meeting of the Redevelopment Commission is NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />scheduled for Friday, December 15, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. <br />Mr. Inks also noted that a special meeting is needed to <br />conduct a public hearing the week of December 18, <br />2006. The Commission agreed to hold the special <br />meeting at 8:30 a.m. December 18, 2006. <br />11 <br />