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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -October 20, 2006 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS (CONT.) <br />LaSalle Square area. As many of us have lived in the area <br />for decades we have seen the transformation of LaSalle <br />Square from a bustling retail center to an area dominated by <br />non profit and religious organizations with a sincere interest <br />in serving the needs of all residents. It is the opinion of <br />leaders of these organizations and the neighbors living <br />around LaSalle Square that the City of South Bend, <br />especially the Redevelopment Commission, should refocus <br />efforts to develop the LaSalle Square area to better serve the <br />community and most importantly, jump start the <br />revitalization of the Lincoln Way West Corridor's western <br />boundary. <br />At your August 25, 2006 meeting I urged you, on behalf of the <br />neighbors in the LYVYVGA, to extend the boundaries of the <br />Airport Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) district south to <br />include LaSalle Square and a portion of the surrounding <br />neighborhood. It is our belief inclusion in the TIF district is <br />essential to the development of the LaSalle Square area and <br />that continued neglect of this area by the Redevelopment <br />Commission and the City Administration is unacceptable. <br />By using TIF money to improve the infi^astructure, including <br />alleviating drainage problems along Ardmore Trail, <br />improving the appearance of the area and promoting the fact <br />the City does care about this area, we believe the <br />Redevelopment Commission will send a loud and clear signal <br />that the inner city does matter and does offer opportunities <br />for business and residents alike. We view this as a win-win <br />for the City and the neighborhood stakeholders. <br />Neighborhood residents have seen jobs leave from <br />Bendix/Honeyell and others over the years. While we may <br />not be able to impact some decisions by corporations we <br />must do all that we can to show those that are still here that <br />South Bend does actually care and appreciate their being <br />here by offering their employees a pleasing environment in <br />which to work, relax, shop, eat and visit when they are not <br />working. You never know. Perhaps by improving the <br />amenities the area has to offer we might influence both <br />Honeywell and Bosh to consider South Bend as an area to <br />expand in the future. <br />8 <br />