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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -August 4, 2006 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />() continued... <br />I believe extending the TIF boundaries would be a <br />great effort in this area of our city. <br />Respectfully, <br />Charlotte D. Pfeifer <br />South Bend Common Council <br />Mr. King noted that in response to this letter, he <br />and Ms. Jones met with Council Member Pfeifer <br />and Council Member White. A major purpose of <br />the meeting was to get a clear understanding of <br />what was being requested. The intent is to only <br />add LaSalle Square to the Airport Economic <br />Development Area TIF allocation area, not <br />"Blackthorn." <br />Mr. Inks noted that staff would be prepared to <br />review the issues related to a decision and make a <br />recommendation at a later time, if the Commission <br />so desired. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. <br />Hojnacki and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission authorized and requested staff to <br />research the ramifications of bringing the LaSalle <br />Square shopping center into the AEDA, whether <br />any expenditures of money from the AEDA TIF <br />district would be allowed to be spent on the kinds <br />of things that would need to be done in that area, <br />and what legal or regulatory requirements would <br />have to be met in responding to Council Member <br />Pfeifer's request. The motion includes a request <br />that staff report to the Commission the results of its <br />research at a later meeting. <br />COMMISSION AUTHORIZED AND REQUESTED <br />STAFF TO RESEARCH THE RAMIFICATIONS OF <br />BRINGING THE LASALLE SQUARE SHOPPING <br />CENTER INTO THE AEDA, WHETHER ANY <br />EXPENDITURES OF MONEY FROM THE AEDA TIF <br />DISTRICT WOULD BE ALLOWED TO BE SPENT ON <br />THE KINDS OF THINGS THAT WOULD BE DONE IN <br />THAT AREA, AND WHAT LEGAL OR REGULATORY <br />REQUIREMENTS WE WOULD HAVE TO MEET IN <br />RESPONDING TO COUNCIL MEMBER PFEIFER'S <br />REQUEST. THE MOTION INCLUDES A REQUEST <br />THAT STAFF REPORT TO THE COMMISSION THE <br />RESULTS OF ITS RESEARCH AT A LATER MEETING <br />4 <br />