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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -August 4, 2006 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />G. West Washington-Chapin Development Area <br />() continued... <br />Ms. Charlotte Sobel, South Bend Heritage <br />Foundation, gave the progress report on the <br />Natatorium. South Bend Heritage will be <br />entertaining bids on the continued restoration <br />of the Natatorium. The demolition work is <br />essentially completed. The brick work needs <br />to be tuck pointed and some ceramic the <br />needs to be repaired on the east and west <br />face. South Bend Heritage would also like to <br />install a steel cross beam across the back of <br />the building so the roof doesn't collapse <br />when the addition is put on. They would also <br />like to bring in temporary electric power, <br />water and sewer for the workers. If the <br />sewer line has to be completely replaced <br />(worst case, which is not expected) the <br />amount of those repairs would be $125,000. <br />South Bend Heritage would like to take bids <br />on all those projects and submit them to the <br />Board of Public Works, to be paid from the <br />West Washington-Chapin Development Area <br />TIF, per the Commission's agreement with <br />South Bend Heritage Foundation. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. King, seconded by <br />Mr. Hojnacki and unanimously carried the <br />Commission appointed the Board of Public <br />Works as its agent to receive and award <br />quotes for renovation of the Engman <br />Natatorium in an amount not to exceed <br />$125,000. <br />H. South Side Development Area <br />There was no business in the South Side <br />Development Area. <br />COMMISSION APPOINTED THE BOARD OF PUBLIC <br />WORKS AS ITS AGENT TO RECEIVE AND AWARD <br />QUOTES FOR RENOVATION OF THE ENGMAN <br />NATATORIUM IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED <br />$125,000 <br />14 <br />