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Mr. Goodrich made a motion to ratify the agreement. Dr. Kelly seconded the motion and <br /> it was approved. <br /> President Henry informed the Board that State Senator Broden has sent the Board's letter <br /> regarding the recent change in state law about not restricting the possession of guns in public <br /> parks. He has forwarded the Board's letter on to all the members of the legislature. <br /> Mr. Goodrich asked that the Board's letter be included in the minutes. <br /> 6. Request to Ratify Resolution 8-2011 Regarding Recent Changes in Bidding Laws- <br /> Thomas Bodnar <br /> Mr. Bodnar reported that four changes have gone into effect regarding purchasing. The <br /> first is from the Common Council that asks that minority and women owned business be <br /> considered for quotes and bids. They would be from St. Joseph county or an adjacent <br /> county. <br /> The second is from the State Legislature and concerns illegal workers. Any contract with <br /> a vendor that is over $1,000 needs to submit an affidavit that they do not knowingly employ <br /> any illegal workers and that for subsequent new hires,they will employ the e- verify system. <br /> The third pertains to the prevailing wage law. As the result of an oversight,until January <br /> of next year, all construction contracts must meet the prevailing wage. This will be set on <br /> a quarterly basis. <br /> The fourth and final law gives a preference to contractors in the county the awarding body <br /> resides in, and adjacent counties. He says it is a very confusing,poorly written law. He <br /> said the resolution may be amended as clarification is made. It is an effort to give <br /> guidance base on how he feels the statute was written. <br /> Mr. Mullins made a motion to ratify Resolution 8-2011. Mr. Goodrich seconded the <br /> motion and it was passed. <br /> Mr. Goodrich commended Mr. Bodnar for the efforts he made. <br /> VI. Approval of Minutes <br /> Dr. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on June 20, <br /> 2011 as mailed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Goodrich and approved. <br /> VII. Approval of Maintenance Vouchers <br /> A motion was made by Mr. Goodrich to approve maintenance vouchers for June 2011 totaling <br /> $1,095,216.86. <br /> It was seconded by Mr. Mullins. There being no further discussion,the motion was passed. <br /> VIII. Business of Director St. Clair <br /> 1. Director St. Clair gave the Board an update on Miracle Park. The City Council will be <br /> asked for$1M in funding next Monday. Another $1M is being asked in funding from the <br /> Redevelopment Commission. Also, a long term lease is being sought from the Airport <br /> Authority Board for land at the northwest end of the airport. <br /> 2. Funding for the Conservatory is also being sought at next Monday's Council meeting <br /> in the amount of$1.2M. This will take down the old growing houses and provide <br /> - - 4 - - <br />