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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -May 19, 2006 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />F. Airport Economic Development Area <br />(3) Commission approval requested for <br />revised proposals for professional services <br />in the Airport Economic Development <br />Area. (Appraisals, Bendix and Voorde) <br />Mr. VUitwer noted that at its March 3, 2006 <br />meeting the Redevelopment Commission <br />accepted proposals from Ralph Lauver and <br />Jerome Michaels to appraise property at the <br />Voorde and Bendix intersection for an <br />amount not to exceed $3,000. At the time <br />they submitted their proposals both <br />appraisers mentioned that they did not have <br />enough information and might need to revise <br />their proposals after seeing plans for the right <br />of way to be acquired. After viewing plans <br />for the temporary right of way needs and <br />anticipating other potential damages to the <br />property, both appraisers have reevaluated <br />their proposals and submitted new proposals. <br />Ralph Lauver has increased his price from <br />$1,500 to $5,950. Jerome Michaels has <br />increased his price from $1,500 to $5,800. <br />Staff recommends accepting both revised <br />proposals approving a total not to exceed <br />amount of $12,000 for both appraisals. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Hojnacki, seconded <br />by Mr. King and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission accepted the revised proposal <br />from Ralph Lauver in the amount of $5,950 <br />and the revised proposal from Jerome <br />Michaels in the amount of $5,800 and <br />approved a not to exceed expenditure of <br />$12,000 for both appraisals. <br />COMMISSION ACCEPTED THE REVISED PROPOSAL <br />FROM RALPH LAUVER IN THE AMOUNT OF <br />$S,9SO AND THE REVISED PROPOSAL FROM <br />JEROME MICHAELS IN THE AMOUNT OF $S,BOO <br />AND APPROVED A NOT TO EXCEED EXPENDITURE <br />OF $12,000 FOR BOTH APPRAISALS <br />23 <br />