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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -May 19, 2006 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(4) Commission approval requested for <br />Resolution No. 2237. <br />Mr. King noted that Resolution No. 2237 <br />contains a blank for the number of <br />remonstrances received. He asked that that <br />blank be completed by adding the number <br />«0 » <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Hojnacki, seconded <br />by Mr. Blake and unanimously carried the <br />Commission approved Resolution No. 2237 <br />amending the South Side Development Area <br />Development Plan, as revised. <br />B. Tax Abatements <br />(1) Commission approval requested for <br />Resolution No. 2243 approving an <br />application for personal property tax <br />deduction for property located at 3425 <br />West Lathrop Drive in the Airport <br />Economic Development Area. <br />(McCormick & Company, Inc.) <br />Mr. Mathia gave the staff report on the <br />project. McCormick & Company will invest <br />$14.9 million of capital and $2.3 million of <br />one-time expenses to consolidate <br />McCormick's manufacturing of U. S. <br />condiment products into the South Bend <br />facility. To accommodate the new <br />production volume, storage of all finished <br />goods will be moved to a third party logistics <br />firm, making room for the new ketchup <br />process and packaging room. The current <br />ketchup room will be renovated, and will <br />house the jelly and salad dressing process <br />COMMISSION APPROVED RESOLUTION N0.2237 <br />AMENDING THE SOUTH SIDE DEVELOPMENT <br />AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AS REVISED <br />10 <br />