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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting— December 7, 2001 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. Tax Abatements (Continued...) <br />(2) Continued... <br />Mr. Inks commented that there was an issue <br />with this particular abatement due to the <br />equipment not being new to Indiana. The <br />business is already in place and taxes are being <br />paid on it. He asked if there was any further <br />information on the qualification of the <br />equipment for abatement. <br />Mr. Beitzinger answered that he had contacted <br />several sources, including Tim Hurnley at <br />Barnes and Thornburg, and Kathy Cekanski <br />Ferrand, the attorney for the City Council. <br />Neither of them in their review of state statute <br />were able to find anything that prohibits the <br />applicant from seeking tax abatement, even <br />though, it is equipment that is already existing <br />here in Indiana. The premises for receiving <br />personal property tax abatement are: <br />a. He is acquiring the equipment. <br />b. It is new equipment to him. <br />c. The equipment is not installed at this <br />location. <br />Mr. Beitzinger explained that he also contacted <br />the Indiana State Board of Tax Commissioners <br />regarding this issue. They have not responded <br />with a firm answer. They are still reviewing it. <br />They actually will make final determination on <br />this once the Redevelopment Commissions <br />approval is in place. Timing issues caused this <br />abatement to move forward. The requirement is <br />that the equipment cannot be installed prior to <br />approval of the tax abatement. <br />VA <br />