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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 19, 2011 5 <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />In consideration of the Departmental violation cited pertaining to his actions, Chief Boykins <br />recommended that the assessed disciplinary action against Patrolman Bortone consist of a letter of <br />reprimand to be placed in his personnel file and a thirty (30) working day suspension from duty <br />without pay. Upon a motion made by Mr. Cottrell, seconded by Ms. Vasquez and carried, the charges <br />were accepted and the Clerk was instructed to file the charges and serve Patrolman Bortone. <br />President Dempsey stated the Board will need to meet Wednesday, January 26, 2011 to set a Hearing <br />if Patrolman Bortone requests one. <br />ACCEPT AND APPROVE RETIREMENT — SERGEANT MARIAN NICKS - WALKER <br />President Dempsey advised that Chief Darryl Boykins has submitted to the Board the Application <br />and Declaration for Retirement for Sergeant Marian Nicks - Walker effective January 25, 2011. Chief <br />Boykins noted that she has served the Department with loyalty and distinction during the last twenty - <br />nine (29) years, one (1) month and seventeen (17) days and has been an outstanding officer that will <br />be missed. Chief Boykins joined the Board in thanking her for her commitment, dedication and <br />years of distinguished service to the South Bend Police Department and the citizens of South Bend. <br />Members also wished her a long and happy retirement. Upon a motion made by Mr. Cottrell, <br />seconded by Ms. Vasquez and carried, the retirement was accepted and approved. <br />APPROVE RETIREMENT — SERGEANT ALBERT DEROO <br />President Dempsey advised that Chief Darryl Boykins has submitted to the Board the Application <br />and Declaration for Retirement for Sergeant Albert DeRoo effective March 1, 2011. Chief Boykins <br />noted that he has served the Department with loyalty and distinction during the last forty-seven (47) <br />years, nine (9) months and thirteen (13) days, the longest serving officer in the South Bend Police <br />Department in history. Chief Boykins joined the Board in thanking him for his commitment, <br />dedication and years of distinguished service to the South Bend Police Department and the citizens <br />of South Bend. Members also wished him a long and happy retirement. Upon a motion made by Mr. <br />Cottrell, seconded by Ms. Vasquez and carried, the retirement was accepted and approved. <br />FILING OF QUARTERLY REPORT FOR SPECIALIZED TRAINING — OCTOBER, <br />NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 2010 <br />Captain Dave Hecklinski, Director of Training, South Bend Police Department, submitted to the <br />Board a written Quarterly Report for Specialized Training for the periods of October, November and <br />December 2010. The report indicated the specialized training attended, the names of the officers <br />who attended, and the costs involved. There being no questions concerning this report, the Quarterly <br />Report for Specialized Training as submitted was accepted and filed. <br />FILING OF MONTHLY STATISTICAL ANALYSIS REPORT — DECEMBER 2010 <br />President Dempsey indicated that unless there were questions or objections by members of the <br />Board, the statistical analysis report for the month of October 2010, as submitted by the Police <br />Department, would be accepted for filing. There being no objections, the following report was <br />accepted for filing: <br />PART I OFFENSES <br />MURDER <br />RAPE <br />ROBBERY <br />AGGRAVATED ASSAULT <br />BURGLARY RESIDENT <br />BURGLARY NON <br />RESIDENT <br />LARCENY <br />MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT <br />ARSONS <br />GRAND TOTAL <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />DECEMBER <br />DECEMBER <br />YEAR TO DATE <br />2009 <br />2010 <br />CHANGE <br />(09) (10) <br />CHANGE <br />1 <br />0 <br />- 1 <br />14 6 <br />- 8 <br />1 <br />3 <br />+ 2 <br />56 52 <br />- 4 <br />36 <br />26 <br />- 10 <br />346 339 <br />- 7 <br />19 <br />21 <br />+ 2 <br />353 349 <br />- 4 <br />143 <br />150 <br />+ 7 <br />1533 1706 <br />+ 173 <br />44 <br />41 <br />- 3 <br />553 511 <br />- 42 <br />276 <br />236 <br />- 40 <br />3702 3411 <br />- 291 <br />21 <br />21 <br />0 <br />325 302 <br />- 23 <br />2 <br />0 <br />- 2 <br />43 51 <br />+ 8 <br />543 <br />498 <br />- 45 <br />6925 6727 <br />- 198 <br />ACCEPT AND APPROVE PROMOTION LIST <br />