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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting —March 21, 2003 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />C. Airport Economic Development Area <br />(9) continued... <br />Mr. Williams reported three (3) proposals <br />for survey work were requested and two (2) <br />quotes were received. The property is <br />located at 23953 Brick Road in the Airport <br />Economic Development Area. The <br />information is as follows: <br />Danch, Harper & Associates $800 <br />Lang Feeney & Associates $400 <br />Staff recommends accepting the proposal <br />from Lang Feeney & Associates in the <br />amount of $400. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Blake, seconded by <br />Mr. Kahn and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the request for <br />professional services in the Airport <br />Economic Development Area and <br />authorized staff to retain Lang Feeney & <br />Associates based on the scope of services <br />and fee proposed. <br />D. South Bend Medical Services District <br />There was no business in the South Bend <br />Medical Services District. <br />E. West Washington- Chapin Development Area <br />There was no business in the West Washington - <br />Chapin Development Area. <br />23 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE REQUEST FOR <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN THE AIRPORT <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA AND <br />AUTHORIZED STAFF TO RETAIN LANG FEENEY & <br />ASSOCIATES BASED ON THE SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />AND FEE PROPOSED. <br />THERE WAS NO BUSINESS IN THE SOUTH BEND <br />MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICT. <br />THERE WAS NO BUSINESS IN THE WEST <br />WASHINGTON -CHAPIN DEVELOPMENT AREA. <br />