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Redevelopment Commission Meeting <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting — October 22, 2004 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />F. Airport Economic Development Area <br />(2) Commission approval requested for <br />Resolution No. 2108 related to acquisition <br />of real property in the Airport Economic <br />Development Area. <br />Ms. Hughes noted that Resolution No. 2108 <br />sets the purchase price for eighteen parcels <br />owned by thirteen property owners proposed <br />for acquisition by the Commission in <br />furtherance of the Airport Economic <br />Development Area plan. The properties have <br />already been added to the acquisition list. <br />They will be assembled in accordance with <br />ILI an agreement between the City and Bosch <br />Corporation to enable them to expand their <br />campus and establish a secure periphery. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Hunt, seconded by <br />Mr. Blake and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved Resolution No. 2108 <br />related to acquisition of real property in the <br />Airport Economic Development Area. <br />(3) Commission appointment to Blackthorn <br />Owners' Association. <br />Mr. Schalliol noted that former <br />Commissioner Matt Kahn was the <br />Commission's representative to the <br />Blackthorn Owners' Association. Since Mr. <br />Kahn is no longer on the Commission, there <br />is a need for someone to serve in this <br />capacity for the upcoming Owners' <br />Association meeting on November 17. Mr. <br />Hunt volunteered to serve in that capacity <br />and the Commissioners unanimously <br />accepted Mr. Hunt's services. <br />17 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 2108 <br />RELATED TO ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY IN <br />THE AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA. <br />ROBERT HUNT WAS APPOINTED TO <br />BLACKTHORN OWNERS' ASSOCIATION <br />