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autl~ Bend ~ede~elo~~~~exat ~`o~n~issio~~ <br />l~.e~ular eeti z~ ._..l~ove~~~be~s 1 ~, ~~a~ <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />out~~ end entrap ~~e~e~apn~e.t ~~•ea <br />~~~ ~~~~~n ~~edeaa <br />1~r. o~~~es ~~~d~ a ~~~ot~o~~ to a~provc tl~e <br />req~:~et fog proposal far englneerl~~ ser~rices <br />ire tl~c ~aa black of S.1V~1ch~a~~ t. aid to <br />cccp~ tl~e praposa~ f~ ors La~~~ r~.u~o~el <br />~.ssaciates far tl~e sca~~a of servlccs ~~~ad fce <br />proposed. l~~-. flake seco~~ded tl~c 1~notlo~~. <br />"l~l~e ~~~otza~~ carried a~~ ~. rote ol` `o~~r i~~ fa.~o~x. <br />.r, ~~c;~~ko~~sl~i abstai~~cd, <br />~~ o~~lss~~u ~r~~a~°~~tio~~ reges~e~ fro <br />o~~~~~a~~n Sont~ ~, :nip to use <br />~o~s~o.~ o~~~~~e~ prope~-t~. In the <br />a~e~e ~ot~~~ ~~a~~ of ~a~~e ~~rest <br />pr~in area four t&~e S~a~~ from. <br />Deee~be~- , Za~7 tl~ranj ~eceruber Z~4 <br />oar. <br />Nls. ,l e~~nin ~~o~ed tb.~.t .~a~vnto~v~~ Sout~~ <br />Be~~d is r~cluestin the use al't~o parl~ir~g <br />spaces located ~~lthl~~ tl~e College l~'ac~tball <br />Hall of ~'~me ~~vest pa~'I~l~~ rc~~ ~~ortl~ a~ <br />~ock~~e ~la~~ a~~d south of ~Vashlnton <br />street far ids Sa~~ta Hause laca~iaY~. rl'l~e <br />hours of aperatlon mill be aturda~, ~ ~ ..~r~. <br />-.-- ~ p.~~.; Su~~day no~~~ ~ 4 p.n~.; and <br />~veekdays l~ecen~ber .l ~ ~h~~ough Dec~~r~- <br />her ~, 3 p.r~. - 7 p.t~~,, ~ece~~~ber l throul~ <br />ece~r~ber X67 ~a07. Staff recon~n~ends <br />.ppraval. <br />fir. Pec~kowskl asked what tk~e a~~t~.ipated <br />cost is far putt~n~ ~~~ tl~e structure a~~d <br />sal.r~es for ll~lr. Mrs. Claus. ll~r, ~aria~ <br />did not have tl~t i~~forat~o~~ readily <br />a~a~lab~e. ~'. Pcczkoskl asked 1f~t v~auld <br />be si~~lllarta X00 aid ~a0~. l~.r, .ar~nl <br />~~~a~~a~.n~.. r,a~~ ~~v€ilNl-.~::~~~~~ sa,~v~t~~s ~~ ~~~~-~ <br />~~~c~~~~ ~~.~~~~ ~~,~-~~: c~~a~~~ car s~:~~~~~~~~.s nn~~~ E~~~a:, <br /> <br />15 <br />