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o~~th Bend. Redevelopn~c~~t C~ox~~lsio~~. <br />Regular .~1!~eetl~~~ -~over~~ber 1 , ?~07 <br /> <br />o~~th e~~d ~ent~~~ ~eveiupmer~t Area <br /> <br />proposals ~`or appraisal of tl~e l~istoric <br /> truct~~re located. at ~ i ~ . <br />Gilliam fit. Tl~e property vas ~•ecc~~tly add.c~. <br />to tl~e acquisitio~~ list ley tl~e ~`o~~.n~isslo~~.. <br />~'~~ ~~ppraisal are ~~eeessary to cletcr~~i~~e tl~ <br />poter,t~al ac~~~s~tlor~ val~~e of the property. <br />PYAopesals were received fro~~~ ~.~. Pitts ~. <br />~ssoeiates aid Lauver ire ~;he ~.~~~cr~nt <br />0~~2,~~~o and 2,0~ ~-cspe~:tively. T~~~~a <br />appraisal s are needed. taf~~~ rec~z~~~~~~z~.~ <br />acceptin. l_~otl~. proposals. <br />~p~z~ ~ ~~~otiora ~~y 1V1~~. Do~v~~cs, secotl~.e~ ~~~ <br />]Vlr. >ll~e at~d ~~r~axai.~o~~sly ca~~ried, the <br />o~~~.~~~isio~~ approved the req~~cst for <br />proposals in tl~e o~~th lend. C`e~~tral <br />Develop~~~e~~t 1~rea a~~d accepted the <br />proposals fro~~~ ~1~.~. Pitts associates a~a~l. <br />Ralph Lauver for tl~e scope of services a~~d <br />:fee proposed. <br />~3~ o~~nissi~~~ ~pprov~~ r~q~.est~d ~r <br />pr~p~sal ~'ar ~rafes~ion~l services in the <br />youth Bind entr~i ~Jeviopmen~ Ares. <br />~,Appr~isals, ~ ~S . Mann fit,} <br />1r. ~~~ ~~oted that staff requested proposals <br />fro~n tl~ree M1~.~ appraisers for appraisal of <br />tl~e suri`ace parl~in lot at 1 i N.11~air~ street, <br />adjacent to the ~ l~ulldi~~. The lot is <br />ow~~ed. a~~d operated by .lohr~ ~'oy~~e~ Tl~e <br />appraisals well ~~ i~~ the study a~~d plar~~~in <br />~~or the blocl~ in coordination with the <br />property owners i~~~n~ediately adjacent. staff <br />recarnn~ends accepting tl~e two lowest <br />proposals from Ralph Lauver and R.1~. Pitts <br />~'l~C~l~'(34~~~...~ 1~ 'i ~-i~ ~L7L~~'~-11~~N1} ~y~N~II~l1~. <br />~}]~/:V}i~~._iOiI'1~~Iv~,'~1A{.ltl~t'~ ,~NI) ,_~((~,~~~~1~~'~{l~l.-~.~ ~i~a-~~':7:.y C <br />~~IllJl~l.~L7~'l~_~ ~'~~~lrl ~~~~~ ~~'r~f S iJ4. L~~~~~Y~E~ llE~tl <br />~~~i~ R~r~~~i-~ L~~~.a~v~~ rc}~ ~~,rIL s~,~~r o~ <br />s~~~ti~ic-=~~ ~~i~ ~~~ i~i~~~~~~srl~ <br />l3 <br />