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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting — September, 21 2007 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (CONY.) <br />Development Area. Staff ' bas been doing the research <br />necessary to make the report but is not yet ready. They <br />expect to make the report on October 5. <br />8. NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />The next meeting of the Redevelopmcnt Commission is <br />schedul ed for Fri d ay, October 5, 2 007 at a. m <br />9. ADJOURNMENT <br />T herc bcing no urt.her business to come before the <br />Redevelopment Commission, Mr. King made a notion <br />that the meeting be .dj oume . Mr. Downes seconded <br />the notion and the meeting was adjo r .ed at 10:40 a.m. <br />NEXT COMM I S10N ME ETI G <br />Donald a : n s, Director 'Marcia 1. .hones, r id nt <br />17 <br />