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South en d Redevelopment opment Commission <br />eschcduled Re ular Meeting .- -.May 8, o <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />B. Tax Abatements <br />(1) continued... <br />is not. <br />Mr. King noted that the requirement that tax <br />abatement be approved before a bUildin <br />permit is pulled is not a statutory <br />regUirem ent, but a policy of the C onin-ion <br />Council. Therefore, the Council can. choose <br />to waive its own policy. In approving this <br />re so lutioz , the Commission would be say.1110 <br />that, except for the L111din permits issued, <br />this is a project that qualifies -for tax <br />abatement. 'He noted that the 'ouncil has <br />waived that poficy ill the past. <br />Mr. Downes jade a motion to approve <br />Resolution Igo. 2333 approving, are <br />application for real property tax deduction <br />for property located at 202 S. Michigan St. ill <br />the South Bend Central Development Area.. <br />(Key SB, LLC, the Hinman Company). Mr. <br />King seconded the motion. The vote was <br />th. ee to one with Mr. Peczl ows i opposed. <br />C. Sout h Bend Central Development Area <br />(1) approval requested for <br />Agreement for Services by and between <br />the City of South Bend, Indiana and <br />Downtown South Bend, Inc. <br />Mr. Inks asked that Item . `. t be tabled <br />Chit the May 18 meeting. A draft of the item <br />was circulated for review by all parties. <br />"here are still several questions that have not <br />been addressed in a final. document. A. <br />meeting has been scheduled to work through <br />9 <br />COMMISSION APPROVr-D Rr-'soi-tj-rioN No, 1),)_:) <br />APPROVI Gi AN APPLICA"HON FOR I FAL <br />L- OCATE -D x 202 S. M ICI IIGAN S`[-. IN 1111.` <br />Ki - "Y S B, LLC1 41 -1E H IN MAN OMPA NIY . <br />