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SOLIth Betel Redevelopr ient Conimissioll <br />ReschedUled Re u ar Mctir ......May , ) e <br />i. NEW BUSINESS (CON'r.) <br />1. Northeast Neighborhood Development Area <br />(3) continued... <br />exceed S5,,000 for out of pocket expenses. <br />The dc eloper, Kitc Rcalty Group, has <br />agreed to pay for one half the cost of this <br />analysis. So while the city woUld have a <br />contract for S25,000., it will be reinibursed <br />S ?,500 by Kite. <br />Mr. Pcezkowski asked why Kite Would not <br />pay for all of the study' ]ding responded <br />that the developer is of to b asking foi- �1 <br />parking ar�a e and other city 111 :stnicil L <br />The city necds to know this information as <br />well a 'Kite. <br />Mr. Downes nude a motion to approve the <br />request for proposal for financial consuln'll <br />servi.ces in the Northeast Neighborhood <br />Development Area and accept the proposal <br />from Crowe Chizek & Company fur the <br />scope of services and fee proposed. Mr. <br />King . seconded the motion. The vote was <br />three in favor. Mr. Pec l owsl r abstained. <br />(4) Commission approval requested for <br />proposal for consulting services in the <br />Northeast t l ei h orhood Development <br />Area. (Legal services, Revenue Bonds) <br />Mr_ Inks noted that Haber- & Daniels has <br />submitted a proposal to provide bond counsel <br />services related to the TIF bond that will he <br />ISSLIed for the .Eddy Street Commons project. <br />They will assist in structuring the bond, <br />working in close association with the city's <br />financial co . UItant in obtaining credit <br />enhanccmentg the preparation of resolutions, <br />39 <br />PROPOSAL FOR FINANCIAL CONSUL'I"ING <br />DEVEL OPME,N -i. AREA AND AC( ' � E, PT T1 <br />PROPOSAL FROM C ROOF C HIZK &I COMPANY <br />F(-.)RTHJ_v SC'0PE OF SERVICES AND FEE PROPOSED <br />ED <br />