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OLItl l erid Redevelopment Commissioll <br />f eschedU l ed erUlar Meeting n -.---May S, 2007 <br />6. NEW v 1 U 1 N E (CO NT.) <br />H. South Side Development Area <br />(1) Filing of Resolution No. 2334 amending <br />the South Side Development Area <br />Development Flan and setting a public <br />hearing on Resolution No. 2334 for :00 <br />a. m., June 1, 2007. (4225 S. Main' St.) <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Downes, seconded by <br />Mr. inn- gild LIM- 1.111mously carried, the <br />Co1.1:1111.i sion accepted for filing esolutio l <br />No. 2334 aniendincy the South Side <br />Development Area Development Plan and <br />SCU1110 . )LI -HI h[1arni on. Resoltiti011 <br />o. -3:34 f�Or 10:00 a.rn., . L111e 1, 2007. �4225 <br />S. Main. St. <br />1. iortlie -ast. Neighborhood Development Area <br />1 commission approval requested for <br />proposal for professional services in the <br />Northeast Neighborhood Development <br />Area. (Survey, .NN"DA boundary change) <br />Mr. Sch ll1ol distribUted an overview of the <br />Eddy Street Commons project and other <br />projects proposed for the Noftheast <br />Neighborhood Development Area NN' A . <br />Eddy Street Commons is the first phase of <br />many projects that will be done in the <br />NNDA. The developer will build a retail <br />corridor along Eddy, a full serviee hotel, a <br />fimited service hotel, new office space, and <br />new residential on twenty -five acres fronting <br />aloncr the new Angela Road and Eddy St. <br />These fOUr itenis on the acycnda for the <br />NN-'DA relate to the carving out ofanew TIF <br />district f'x-om the existing TIF district in the <br />NN A. The new allocation area will be a <br />3 <br />COMik-IISSK)N ACT11]"ITI) FOR FILING <br />Ri.. ( i -i �����0 No. ') A l)_ NDJN(..; TF1L- SOUTH <br />AND l:,l.TIN(.i A PUllLI(.. RIN(x (.)N <br />R.]:, S 01- t..?TI0N No. 4 FC) R 0. -00 A. M., JLJN1-- 1., <br />