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SoL1th Bciid Rode v lopment 0111l11Is iol1 <br />Rescheduled Regular Meettn.g .... -May 8.,2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />D. Sample- Ewing Development Area <br />(3) continued... <br />situation with this property. Mr. KMg said <br />he was OK. with approving the fire watch, bUt <br />arced staff not to come back to ask for the <br />Commission to pay for the sprinkling system <br />or any other item for this bufldlng. He pLit <br />staff on notice that lie won't vote for it. <br />Ms. Kolata thanked. Mr. King for makIng that <br />clear-. It wifl. be easier to be fin ii at the <br />meeting with ASS _. next week. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Kings seconded by <br />Downes and U.nan1111.0Usly carried, the <br />Commission appro vcd tl-1.c rcgLicst for <br />proposals and ratified the sta f ;f." s action to <br />secure Mil' wsl .i & Assoc' ,cites for fire <br />watch services for the scope of services and <br />fce proposed, <br />Mr. Abarb hell asked way the Col .mission <br />doesn't evict SASC O or pursue damacres <br />against it Ms. Kolata said that will be part <br />of the discussion at the meeting with SASC O <br />next week. The fire watch is an i te.ri.111 <br />measure. <br />(4) Commission approval requested for <br />Assignment of Lease with J & L <br />Management Corporation from Norfolk <br />Southern Railway in the Sample -Ewing <br />Development Area. <br />Mr. Laurent noted that the Redevelopment <br />Commission ion b came the owner of the seven <br />acre jigsaw puzzle piece in Studebaker Area <br />A. formerly owned by'Norfolk Southem, on <br />32 <br />COM MISSION A €'PR(W ED € 1.11= R U. I "I € TO1 <br />P1 ON) A LS AN 1) 1 ATIY -11 1)1-1.1 F �TA €:•F AC'1­1() <br />V0 €"O.11 1. 11 .)1_..} .11:'L SKI � ; Asso�:IA TI €`01' <br />FIRE, WATCH SERVICES FOR 'ITIL: SCOPL. ()Y <br />€:_� AND FEE PRO1'OSLJ) <br />